Since 1979, The Electric Connection has attended to the electrical needs of businesses and homeowners alike in Thousand Oaks. Twenty-five employees strong, we’ve built a workforce of highly experienced, certified electricians to serve those needs. There are lots of electricians in Thousand Oaks, but The Electric Connection goes the extra mile to treat our customers the way we would want to be treated: doing superior work for sensible prices.

A+ Rated Electrician in Thousand Oaks

We are your Thousand Oaks electricians for residential, commercial and industrial electrical contracting service. As a licensed electrical contractor in the Thousand Oaks area, The Electric Connection is an expert in a variety of electrical services offering you the very best in customer service and satisfaction. We are proud to be apart of the Thousand Oaks community and honored to be able to continue the wonderful relationships and friendships we have built over the many years. Please come back and visit this web page; we are in the process of up dating our Thousand Oaks Handy Guide.

Electrical Services in Thousand Oaks

At night, looking down on L.A. from Griffith Observatory, you can see lines of lights streaming in all directions. Electrical service provided by Thousand Oaks electricians like us, The Electric Connection, help to keep these lights burning.

If you are looking for an electrician in Thousand Oaks, check us out. We are fully licensed electricians and offer a complete range of Electrical Services. Whether you need electrical troubleshooting or a complete house rewire, give us a call.

Thousand Oaks Map

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Outdoor Ceiling Fans—Electrician in Los Angeles Explains the Benefits - Stagnant air can be rather miserable. When you are sitting outside, you are typically hoping for that refreshing breeze to keep you cool and comfortable and to break up the hot air that tends to become thick and heavy. Of course you have heard about ceiling fans inside your home to take care of this […]
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Check off To-Do Lists with Los Angeles Electrician - Your weekends are probably too short. It is a common problem many people have. So much to do with so little time. If you would like to spend a little less time worrying about that To-Do list you have at home and more time having fun with friends and family, you could use some help. […]

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