Glendale Electrician – Fun Facts About Electricity

It seems like nearly everything operates on electricity today. All the modern conveniences and necessities that drive the world rely on electricity to keep them going. While we take for granted that when we plug in our television, for instance, it will power on and allow us to watch our favorite shows, there is actually a lot going on behind the scenes. While you will call a Glendale electrician, such as The Electric Connection, with any major problems, it is nice to understand the basic facts about the electricity you use on a daily basis— such as AC and DC current.

Facts about Electricity

  • Electricity travels at or near the speed of light. It would take less than two seconds for a light bulb to turn on if you had the switch on earth.
  • Nearly everyone knows that Thomas Edison invented the light bulb—he also opened the first electrical power plant just three years later.
  • Static electricity can create up to 3000 volts of power.
  • Nearly 70 people each year on average are killed by lightning strikes.
  • One lightning bolt creates enough electricity to service 200,000 homes.
  • The two types of electricity are static electricity and current electricity.
  • Electrical current is measured by an ampere , better known as an amp.
  • The earliest recorded notation of electricity occurred in the time of the ancient Egyptians—well before Benjamin Franklin’s experiments.
  • Speaking of Benjamin Franklin, he may not have discovered electricity, but he did prove the lightning is a form of electrical energy.

These fun facts barely scratch the surface of the information out there when it comes to electricity and other forms of power. If you have more in-depth questions, search for electrician Glendale by visiting The Electric Connection’s website at or getting in touch with us today.