5 Ways to Be More Green by Electrician in California

electricon_06_7It feels good to do something good for our neighborhood and the people we spend time with every day, even if it is from a distance. Doing the right thing and helping out in your little corner of the world gives you a sense of belonging, accomplishment and a little pride. You are doing your part to make the world better. You don’t have to be a trailblazer, a celebrity or someone who is given accolades to truly make a difference. An electrician in California has a few tips for you to use that will have a positive impact on the environment. You can leave the world a little greener. Encouraging your friends and family to follow these practices makes your impact that much bigger. At The Electric Connection, we hope to work with you to make things better.

Going green is trendy. It is cool to be green. Check out some of the things you can do in your house to be a little more green.

1-Turn the AC up 2 degrees and the heater down 2 degrees. Use a ceiling fan installed by an electrician to keep the room feeling cool without using nearly as much electricity.

2-Make it a goal to shorten your hot showers by at least 2 minutes everyday.

3-Use a stand to dry your clothes on the patio, deck or even in a room in the house that tends to be warm. An outside clothesline is also an option.

4-Quit leaving your lights, televisions and music players on when you are not using them!

5-Buy a solar charger and use it to charge your cell phone, laptop and tablet. Consider this baby steps to switching to solar power.

Becoming more energy efficient doesn’t necessarily mean you sit in the dark or don’t use hot water. You can still be energy conscientious without really changing the way you do things today. Give The Electric Connection a call if you need a new ceiling fan installed.