Hiring a Local Electrician During COVID

The coronavirus pandemic has continued to do its rounds, forcing the world to a standstill and changing the lives of thousands of people radically. We are confident that it won’t always be like this, but it has taken a toll on us in different ways.

We know that there has been a bright side, no matter how bleak it has looked. For example, we got to understand the need for love, kindness, community, and family. We have come to appreciate everything we have and learned to think highly of the healthcare providers and educators.

Amidst all of this, many other things have stayed the same; like the need to mow your lawn, cut your hair or get it done, clean your house, cook and fix stuff that goes bad. This means that you may need to hire a Los Angeles electrician at some point during the COVID19 pandemic.

Here are some helpful tips to help you navigate safely through this:

Ask Questions

In a season of caution, it is important to ensure that you are on the safe side. One way to do that is to ask as many important questions as you can. Here are some questions that you may find helpful:

  • What precautions have you put in place to keep your team and customers safe?
  • How do you pay attention and assess the health of every member of your team?
  • Will you be requiring a homeowner to give any special accommodations like wash-up spaces before the job and after?
  • How seriously do you emphasize the need for gloves, masks, handwashing, sanitizers, and eye protection?
  • Have you had a team member who experienced COVID-19 symptoms? How did you handle this?
  • How do you sanitize your supplies, service trucks, and equipment?
  • Is there a provision for contactless payment?

Check for Good Reviews

If an electrician has had poor reviews before the pandemic, then the likelihood that they will serve you well in a crisis isn’t much. Make sure you check out reviews on Facebook or Google, especially to find out how honest they are.

Be Sure They are Licensed

Before hiring an electrician, particularly in these times, take their licensing seriously. An unlicensed electrician may increase the chances of another electrician fixing their damage, thus increasing the potential risk of getting exposed to COVID-19. Please don’t give in to the temptation to hire a less-expensive unlicensed electrician, regardless of how bad things are for you.

How Good Have They Been to the Community?

A lot of home service contractors have been affected by the pandemic and they will need as many jobs to get them back on their feet. It would be nice to find the companies that have given back to your community and hire them. Plus, if they are good to your community, then they will most likely not fail the previous tests.

Your health and safety are important, but so are the health and safety of the home service contractors. Try to keep them safe by following all precautions, including keeping your distance, and isolating yourself if you experience any symptoms. Also, remember to opt for e-signatures and documents. Stay safe!