Home Fires Preventable by Electrician in Santa Monica

1392295_49581637 copyIf you have recently purchased or inherited a home, you may be excited to move in and start your new life. Before you do, take a few moments to consider the safety of the home. If it is an older home, it may need some work done to bring the home up to code. An electrician in Santa Monica will need to do an inspection to evaluate the current status of the electrical wiring. From there, you will know what needs to be done to make your home safe and insurable. The team at The Electric Connection has the electrician you need to make this happen quickly.

Recently, the US Fire Administration released some alarming statistics about home fires in the United States. These statistics are based on 2012 numbers.

• Home fires caused more than $5.7 billion in damages
• 2,380 people were killed in these fires
• 12,875 people were injured as a result of these fires
• 14 percent of all home fires were caused by heating equipment (2011 statistic)

When you look at these figures, it is alarming. We depend a great deal on electricity. We don’t want to live without it. You don’t have to. It is about learning to be safe and making sure your Santa Monica electrical work is up to code. Electrical wiring is constantly evolving and being made safer. If your home is more than 50 years old, you probably need an upgrade if it hasn’t been done in the past 10 to 20 years.

Do what you can to make your home as safe as possible by calling an electrician to complete an inspection. Sadly, homes that have had an unlicensed electrician do the electrical work may not be eligible for a homeowner’s insurance payout in the event there is a fire. Don’t risk it! Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your electrical safety inspection.