Quick Facts about Smoke Alarms by Glendale Electrician

electriccon_06_4You have probably become so used to smoke alarms you rarely even notice they are in a room. That means you don’t notice when they are not around either. Or if they are working properly or placed in an appropriate place. Smoke alarms are one of those things that we ignore until we burn toast and remember we have them. Then they become an annoyance and the batteries are popped out with the intention of replacing them once the smoke has cleared out. Unfortunately, because they are so easily forgotten, they are often not replaced. An electrician in Glendale, like those at The Electric Connection, has a few facts to tell you about smoke alarms. These facts remind us why those little white discs in the corner are so important.

1-Smoke alarms need to be replaced every ten years. Most people assume they are good forever.

2-30 percent of home fires are in homes that have expired smoke alarms or no smoke alarms at all.

3-It is imperative you test your smoke alarm every month. A Glendale electrician points out it takes less than a minute to complete this potentially life-saving task.

4-Batteries should be replaced in each smoke alarm every 6 months, regardless if they are working. Fresh batteries are best.

5-Opting to go with at least one hard-wired smoke alarm on each floor is a good option. These will be installed by an electrician. Glendale homeowners can rest assured they will always have protection whether the batteries are fresh or not.

6-Every bedroom in the house should have a smoke alarm. A smoke alarm should be on each floor as well. 66 percent of homes do not have the minimum number of smoke alarms recommended.

If you would like to add another layer of protection and have hard-wired smoke alarms installed, give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your installation.