Wireless Lighting Benefits with Pasadena Electrician

electriccon_06_5No matter how hard you try, it is a huge task to try and remember to shut off lights whenever they are not in use. If you have a busy household with several family members, your task is next to impossible. It is frustrating to have to constantly remind kids and other adults to turn off the lights. It is a full time job that nobody has the time or patience for. Did you know that lighting accounts from anywhere between 20 and 40 percent of your total electrical bill? An electrician in Pasadena has a viable solution for you that does not require you to be on full time light duty. The team at The Electric Connection can provide you with more information or you can read on.

Lighting timers or wireless lighting systems are the answer to your lighting police needs. A wireless system can be quickly installed on any light that you find to be a problem getting shut off. Hallways, stairways and bathrooms are common areas of installation. If you choose to go with a system that is wired into the home’s electrical system, the installation is best completed by a qualified electrician. Pasadena homeowners will feel better knowing the system has been installed by a professional and the risk of bad wiring is avoided.

A wireless system is the best option because it leaves no holes in the walls or ceilings. It does cost a little more up front, but the savings on your electric bill will certainly make up for it. You can save up to 50 percent on your electric bill with the installation of light timers. You can certainly install the wireless system on your own and you can avoid hiring a Pasadena electrician. The choice is yours. If you would like to learn more about wireless lighting systems or the installation of light timers, give The Electric Connection a call today.