Saving Money on Your Electric Bill by Glendale Electrician

electricon4_2-16There are always things you need to buy. Sometimes life likes to throw little emergencies your way and you will be short on funds. Wouldn’t it be nice to find ways to save money on your monthly bills so you were prepared for those little emergencies? You may have noticed your electric bill going up. This is something you can expect to continue happening for the months and years to come. That electric bill is going to cut into your budget and make things a little tighter. Your Glendale electrician has some tips to help you lower your electric bill and keep a little extra money in your pocket. The team at The Electric Connection is here to help.

Replacing Light Bulbs

If you haven’t done it yet, you need to get rid of those old bulbs that are sucking electricity and running up your bill. Replace those bulbs with CFLs or have an electrician in Glendale install LED fixtures. CFLs use about 75 percent less electricity than incandescent and LEDs use about 90 percent less.

Use Less Hot Water

Shave a few minutes off of your daily shower. When washing your hands, rinse and shut off the water while you are lathering up and scrubbing. Turn on the water and then shut off again. Only wash full loads of dishes and consider turning the setting on your clothes washer to warm or cold water.

Unplug Appliances

It may not seem like a big deal, but every single thing that you have plugged in is drawing electricity explains an electrician. Glendale residents can save a few dollars every day by unplugging cell phone chargers, laptop chargers and even gaming systems that they don’t use regularly. Anything that is plugged in is drawing a small current. It is something known as phantom electricity.

These three things are easy and will not change your lifestyle in anyway, but they will save you money. If you have questions about energy savings or want to install energy-efficient light fixtures, give The Electric Connection a call today.

Energy Savings Tips by Your California Electrician

electriccon_7You have probably turned on your furnace already this year or pulled out the space heaters to help warm up your room. It won’t be long before you start to see your electric bill rise with the cost of heating your home. There are some things you can do to help keep your electric bill down and more money in your pocket. Your neighborhood electrician has some best practices to help you reduce the amount of electricity you use on a daily basis. For more information, call The Electric Connection.

1-Turn the thermostat down a couple of degrees. You can wear a warm sweater or some thick socks while you are at home. At night, turn the thermostat down a couple more degrees since you will be sleeping with blankets.

2-Unplug your cell phone charger as well as tablet and laptop chargers when you are not using them. It may seem small, but every charger pulls a little electricity even when nothing is plugged in.

3-Switch out your old incandescent bulbs with CFL or LEDs. You may need to change out your light fixture, which your electrician can do for you. The investment in a new fixture will pay for itself when you save money on your monthly lighting bill.

4-Turn down the temperature on your water heater a few degrees. It is unlikely you would use water that is 125 to 140 degrees anyways. If you can’t use water that hot, it doesn’t make sense to waste the electricity heating it to that point.

5-Make it a rule you only wash full loads of dishes in the dishwasher and only full loads in the washer. Try washing clothes with cold water when possible.

6-Invest in heavy curtains to block the chilly air coming in through the glass in the winter and block the heat of the sun in the summer. This will keep your home more comfortable and save you money on your electric bill.

If you have any more questions for your electrician about energy savings, give The Electric Connection a call today to see what else you can do to save some cash.

Quick and Easy Ways to Lower Your Electric Bill by Pasadena Electrician

electriccon_08_5Your electric bill may not be a problem for you, but wouldn’t it be nice to have a few more dollars in your pocket every month? Imagine if you could save even ten dollars every month. You could set it aside and put towards a fund to buy something that you have been wanting or buy an extra latte. No, it isn’t a lot, but you never know when a little extra cash will come in handy. And, it isn’t just ten bucks. It could end up being much more if you follow these tips presented by your Pasadena electrician. The team at The Electric Connection is here to help you find out how you can save.

*Your biggest energy hog is going to be your air conditioner or furnace in the winter. You don’t have to cook or freeze, but you can turn it up a bit in the summer and down a bit in the winter. Throw on a comfy sweater during the winter so you can keep your furnace setting lower. In the summer, keep the blinds closed and run a ceiling fan to help stay cool without cranking the AC up.

*Lighting is the second biggest use of electricity in your home explains an electrician. Pasadena homeowners can slash their electric bill by turning off lights when not in use. Switching to LEDs is another quick and easy way to save some cash.

*Turning down your water heater a few degrees will also save you a great deal of money. If you are not sure how to do this, call an electrician in Pasadena to take care of it for you. Most people are heating water to a temperature they can’t actually use and end up turning on the cold water to cool it down.

These three quick ways can save you money every month. You will see the savings on your next electric bill. Give The Electric Connection a call if you have any questions or need help taking care of any electrical issues.

Save Money and Save the Planet with an Electrician in Los Angeles

electriccon_06_1Every month we hear more about our failing earth. Whether you buy into all of the theories or not, it isn’t hard to deny the abuse we impose on Mother Earth. We know things are reaching a breaking point. It is time to make some changes before things get so bad, there is no going back. Although it may seem like a daunting task to save the world, you don’t have to look at the big picture. Focus on your little corner. Focus on making a few changes around your house and you can save the planet that way. Every little bit helps. An electrician in Los Angeles has some tips to help you do just that. The team at The Electric Connection wants to help you do what you can by providing electrical services.

Check out some of the ways you can save money while saving the planet.

1-Switch to CFLs. Don’t put it off. Using less electricity will save you money while reducing the demand on natural resources.

2-Look into having your home switched to solar power. There are numerous tax breaks and incentives for homeowners who are willing to make the change. A Los Angeles electrician will hook up the system and you will start saving money on your electric bill in the first month.

3-Make your home heating and air conditioning more efficient by sealing up cracks around your windows and doors. Have a ceiling fan installed by an electrician. Los Angeles homeowners can reduce the demand on their furnaces and air conditioning units with ceiling fan installation.

4-Be conscientious when showering, brushing your teeth or running the washer or dishwasher. Conserve water by taking shorter showers, turning off the water while brushing and only running the washer when it is full.

Be kind to the planet and your wallet. Follow these quick and easy tips. If you need a ceiling fan installed or have questions about solar energy, call The Electric Connection today.

Reduce Your Los Angeles Electric Bill

money-(4)Wouldn’t you like to keep your hard earned money in your pocket rather than pay it out on excessive electric bills? Californians get used to mild weather, but when those cold temps blow in, they are a real shock to the system. Your first reaction is to reach for the thermostat and crank it up. Unfortunately, if your home isn’t ready to ride out a cold snap, you could be paying double or triple what you really need to be to keep your home warm. These are some tips from your local electrician in Los Angeles to help retain the heat from your furnace in the home and save you money on your electric bill. The team at The Electric Connection is here to help.

• Spend some time adding weather stripping around your doors or windows. It is sold in a roll with self-sticking tape on one side. Simply peel and stick. This one little thing can block cold drafts from coming in as well as prevent your hot air from seeping out. During the summer, you can keep your air conditioned air in and the hot air out.

• If you have sliding glass doors or French doors, consider investing in heavy curtains. Again, these are great for the summer and winter months. You can block the cold by covering large windows with heavy curtains.

• Have your furnace or heat pump maintained. Keeping filters clean and the unit in good working order can save you a lot of money in repair costs as well as keep the unit operating in prime condition.

You don’t have to pay a lot for your Los Angeles electrical bill when you do these three simple things. You can reduce your heating and cooling bills by taking care of the little things around the house. If you have any more questions, give The Electric Connection a call today.

Reduce Heating Costs with Los Angeles Electrician

bigstockphoto_radiator_721238Southern California residents are fortunate in the fact the winters are fairly mild, but you will need to run the heater from time to time. You can save a lot of money on heating costs by following these tips presented by your Los Angeles electrician. The team at The Electric Connection can help you get your home ready for what very well may be a very long, cold winter.

Keeping your house warm can be difficult if it isn’t properly insulated. Do your best to make sure your attic space is insulated. Another helpful tool to keeping in the air you pay to heat inside where you want it is by adding weather stripping around doors and windows. This will take care of those cold drafts that seep in around the spaces. The stripping includes sticky tape that is easily peeled off and stuck to the door and window jams. It is fairly inexpensive, but can save you a great deal of money on heating AND cooling costs. It won’t be visible and can also reduce the sound that comes through those small cracks.

Another option that is very helpful during the cooler months as well as the summer months is a ceiling fan installed by an electrician. Los Angeles residents can help reduce heating costs with the installation of a ceiling fan. The fan blades will push the hot air that rises up to the ceiling back down into the living space. The hot air in the room will keep the thermostat from kicking the furnace on repeatedly. This is where the cost savings is. Your ceiling fan can also act as a light fixture in the room. Remote controls are an option if you have high ceilings. If you are ready to take the next step in fighting high heating bills, give The Electric Connection a call today.

Energy Savings Tips by Electrician in Santa Monica

bigstockphoto_Electrical_Meter_1042644We can always find ways to save a few extra dollars, but sometimes it can be little difficult to pinpoint exactly where those savings are to be had. You may look at the budget over and over and still keep coming up with the same bottom line. An electrician in Santa Monica can help you discover a few ways you could cut your electric bill without dramatically changing your lifestyle. If you ever have any questions or concerns about these tips, you can call The Electric Connection to ask more questions.

1-Get rid of any of those remaining incandescent light bulbs. They are costing you money. You can shave 20 percent off your electric bill simply by relying on CFL and LED bulbs that are much more energy efficient. They tend to be a bit brighter as well.

2-Have a ceiling fan installed in a central room of your house. This will help circulate hot and cold air produced by your furnace or air conditioner. Ceiling fans run on a fraction of the electricity of a heating or air conditioning unit. It is a good idea to have the fan installed by someone familiar with Santa Monica electrical codes.

3-Ask every member of the household to shave off 2 minutes from their average shower time. This can save a lot of money on your electric bill by reducing the demand put on the hot water heater. You could also turn down the thermostat of the water heater by about 5 to 10 degrees and save even more money.

4-Unplug any appliances, computers and electronics when they are not in use. When you leave for the day or go to bed at night, unplugging your electronics can save you money on wasted phantom power.

Give The Electric Connection a call today to have your ceiling fan installed or to learn more about energy savings.

Fighting Back Against Phantom Power by Pasadena Electrician

You have probably heard it time and again; we need to reduce the demand on our natural resources. We also know we should be saving a little more for our retirement, but it seems like there is no way around the basic monthly bills. No matter what you do, it may seem like you are still breaking even. You shut off lights and walk to work once a week, but the electric bill stays the same and your gas bill is the same. That is likely due to rising rates. Imagine if you didn’t make an effort to reduce your monthly bills? You would be paying more! Your Pasadena electrician is here to encourage you to learn about phantom power and to do your best to fight back against it. You can always call The Electric Connection if you have questions.

Phantom power is a very real thing! You can put a few extra dollars in your pocket every month by fighting back against this electricity sucking phenomena, but it will require your whole house to be on board. According to the Lawrence Berkley National Library, every home has about 40 appliances in the home that remain plugged in around the clock. The appliances may rarely be used, but we keep them plugged in because it is convenient. This is costing us money. In fact, it is estimated phantom power accounts for about 10 percent of an electricity bill. So, assuming your electric bill is $100 every month, $10 of that is all for naught. For the blinking light on the DVD player you haven’t used in a month or the cell phone charger that stays plugged in all day and night whether your phone is attached or not.

If you are not completely sure what phantom power is or have more questions about it, call your electrician. Pasadena residents can count on the team at The Electric Connection to provide the answers to your electric questions.

6 Simple Energy Savings Tips by Electrician in Glendale

Doesn’t it always feel like no matter how well you budget and save, you are always looking in your bank account for just a few extra dollars? Maybe you have already buttoned down your spending and can’t really find any other places in the budget where you can cut back. An electrician in Glendale is here to provide you with some tips that can help lighten the burden of your electric bill. We all know every little bit helps. You can always count on The Electric Connection to answer any questions you may have about energy savings.

1-If you haven’t already done it, get rid of those incandescent light bulbs and replace them with CFLs. You could easily save $15 to $20 a month (possibly more) on lighting costs.

2-Turn down your water heater a couple of degrees. There is really no reason to have scalding hot water coming out of the tap. You can save a few dollars by not making your water heater work overtime heating water to a temperature you will not be able to use it at.

3-Have a ceiling fan installed by an electrician. Glendale homeowners will soon realize the energy savings the fans provide in the winter and the summer.

4-Invest in heavy curtains to block out the heat of the sun in the summer and the cold draft in the winter. This will help cut down on your heating and cooling costs.

5-Skip the drying cycle on the dishwasher and let the dishes air dry or use a towel to dry them by hand.

6-Consider using a clothesline in the summer to dry your laundry. You can also use a drying rack inside the home to cut down on the need for the dryer.

These are just a few things you can do to help reduce your electricity bill. There are plenty of other ways you can save. Give The Electric Connection a call today to learn more.

Ease the Electricity Burden with Santa Monica Electrician

Your electric bill may be completely manageable and affordable. However, wouldn’t you like to learn how to save a few extra dollars every month and do something good for the world at the same time? Just because you can afford your current electric bill, doesn’t mean you can’t make adjustments around your home that will reduce the amount of electricity you use. A Santa Monica electrician is here to tell you about a few things you can do around your house to reduce the amount of electricity you use. The folks at The Electric Connection would love to share their knowledge with you.

Of course you know about turning off the lights when you are not in the room and turning off appliances when you don’t need them, but there are even more things you can do that will certainly add up to big savings for you and less burden on the power grid. It is no secret, our booming population has put a serious burden on our current power grids and blackouts from time to time during peak usage times are not uncommon.

You can lessen your impact by changing out your old, energy hot incandescent light bulbs to the more energy-efficient CFLs or LEDs. The CFLs are the spiral shaped lights that can easily be exchanged in your existing light fixtures. If you have a light fixture that will not accommodate one of these environmentally friendly options, talk with your electrician. Santa Monica residents can update their home lighting by replacing old fixtures with new, more modern and energy efficient fixtures.

Placing LED lights under your kitchen counters gives you plenty of light to see what you are doing and is extremely inexpensive to use and the fixtures are relatively cheap as well. If you are interested in doing your part to make the world a better place, give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your light fixture upgrade.