Phantom Power Real or Science Fiction? Burbank Electrician Explains

It may sound like science fiction, but phantom power is very real and it is costing you real money. It isn’t a lot of money, but when you add it up, it can be more than a hundred dollars a year. And let’s face it, every dollar in your pocket helps. Learning how to stop that phantom from stealing your power is easy and your Burbank electrician is here to give you the power you need. Okay, really it is just knowledge, but knowledge is power and The Electric Connection wants to help you keep your hard earned cash in your pocket.

Phantom power is the electricity that is being pulled from anything and everything you have plugged in, whether it is on or not. Just because you are not using your coffee maker does not mean it is not drawing a current. This goes for your cell phone charger as well. Even if you are not charging your phone or laptop, the charger is pulling electricity and running up your bill. One charger or small appliance isn’t going to cost you a lot of money, but take a walk around your house and look at everything that is currently plugged in.

Make a list of things that can be unplugged when not in use. You will see the savings on your electric bill almost immediately. Obviously, it doesn’t make sense to pull out furniture everyday to get to some items, but just focus on the cords that are easily unplugged. If you want more energy savings tips, contact your local electrician. Burbank homeowners may find it is easier to plug several items like your television, DVD player and stereo all into one powerstrip. This makes it easy to turn it off and on without unplugging numerous devices. Give The Electric Connection a call today to find out more.

An Electrician in Pasadena Can Save You Money on Your Electric Bill

As energy costs continue to rise, we all have to make some adjustments and figure out how to afford the higher electrical bill or how to reduce our electricity use in order to afford a roof over our heads. Obviously, the latter is probably the best and who knows, you just may be able to reduce your bill lower than you ever thought possible. You could actually put a few extra dollars in your pocket every month to put towards the rising cost of food. An electrician in Pasadena has a few tips you can start using today to save money tomorrow. If you would like to learn more, call The Electric Connection and talk with a member of the helpful staff.

1-The easiest thing for you to do is to turn off and unplug anything and everything when it is not in use. You can save a couple dollars every day by reducing your phantom energy draw.

2-Switch to CFLs and save about $20 a month on lighting costs. If you have a big house and typically use a lot of lights, you can save more by switching your incandescent light bulbs to CFLs.

3-Have somebody familiar with Pasadena electrical code install a ceiling fan to reduce your heating and cooling bill. Fans circulate the air in a room to help keep it cool in the summer and warm in the cooler months.

4-Hire an electrician to install dimmer switches on lights in the living room, dining room and even a bedroom. You don’t always need a well-lit room to watch television, enjoy an intimate meal or simply chat. Using a dimmer switch to turn down the lights can save you money on your electric bill.

If you would like to schedule an appointment to have a dimmer switch, ceiling fan or other energy-saving appliance installed, give The Electric Connection a call today.

Electrical Estimates Save You Money Says Electrician Glendale Residents Know

If you have been thinking about getting a specific job done around your house, but have always hesitated because you don’t know how much it costs, we can help. As with any job you need to hire somebody else to complete, you want to have an idea of what it is going to cost. So how do you get an electrical estimate from an electrician? Glendale homeowners can call The Electric Connection and talk with a member of our team. Although it is virtually impossible to give an exact quote, especially over the phone, it is possible to give a pretty good estimate if you know exactly what it is you need like a fixture installed or an outlet replaced.

If you need an estimate about a problem you are having in the house, but are not entirely sure what that particular problem is, things change a bit. An electrician will need to do some testing and diagnosing before an estimate can be given. The time it takes to do this can vary depending on the situation. However, the electrician should give you the fee for hourly rates and explain material costs. Although it is impossible to give exact estimates, an electrician can certainly give you an idea of the problem once found and the cost to fix it.

If you know you need a bigger job, like an electrical panel upgrade, this is something you will want to get an estimate for beforehand. This protects you from getting an astronomical bill after a job is completed that catches you off guard. Always talk with the electrician. Glendale residents will want to make sure they are only hiring a certified, competent electrician to complete any electrical jobs. The Electric Connection has licensed and bonded electricians and would love to help you get your next electrical job completed. Give us a call today.

10 Tips to Save on Your Electric Bill by Electrician in Pasadena

Even if your electric bill isn’t really a problem for you, just imagine what you could do if you shaved it down just a tad. A few more dollars in your pocket could be put towards your retirement nest egg, save up for that new big screen television you have been wanting or maybe just going out for a nice dinner. It is your money, do as you please. There are always ways to save here and there and your electrician in Pasadena has a few simple tips you can start doing today, to get you one step closer to that nest egg. The Electric Connection has been helping customers for years with energy savings.

1-Cook with small appliances when possible. Use a toaster oven, skillet or slow cooker.
2-Use cold water to run the garbage disposal.
3. Clean the filter on your refrigerator and freezer at least twice a year for maximum efficiency. Defrost the freezer at least once a year.
4. Only run full loads in the dishwasher, washing machine, and dryer. Use warm or cold water to wash clothes with.
5. Use CFL bulbs in place of halogen light bulbs.
6. Rely on a ceiling fan to circulate air and adjust temperature in the home up or down by several degrees. This is a job for your electrician. Pasadena homeowners who rely on their ceiling fans instead of the air conditioner or furnace can save a great deal of money.
7. Turn off all lights when you don’t need them.
8. Unplug small appliances when not in use to prevent phantom energy from being stolen.
9. Install dimmer switches on your lights to reduce the amount of light created and reduce the amount of electricity used.
10. Use a timer to control outdoor lighting to only come on at dusk and turn off at dawn.

These are just a few tips. You can call The Electric Connection to begin saving money today by installing a ceiling fan and dimmer switch.

Burbank Electrician Explains Top Ways to Save on Your Electric Bill

In today’s tough economic landscape, the idea of saving money on your electric bill is especially appealing. By following a few simple tips you will find that your monthly bill will shrink—giving you additional money to do the things you want to do. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

Use Fans – Fans use much less electricity than air conditioners. Installing an attic fan or even ceiling fans around your house can help you keep the AC use to a minimum. An electrician in Burbank from The Electric Connection can help with the installation project. (Click Here)

Use Energy Saving Bulbs – An energy saving bulb can produce as much light as a typical bulb but at a significant energy savings. These bulbs cost more up front but cut the electric bill by a significant sum.

Use Power Strips – Most electronic devices use power even when turned off because they remain in a standby mode. If you plug many of your products into power strips and flip the switch off at night you can reduce energy use.

Eliminate Appliances – Do you need all the electric appliances you use? Are there any you could replace with gas-powered appliances? Look over your appliance use and see where you can make changes.

Replace Old Electronics – Older electronics often use more electricity than newer ones. Newer products follow Energy Star standards so they are cheaper in terms of energy consumption. Replacing appliances often saves money in the long run.

Turn Down the Water Heater – If you use an electric water heater, you may not need it as high as it is. See if you can turn it down a few degrees and save money from heating costs.

Saving electricity isn’t just about reducing the impact on your wallet, it is good for the environment too. Contact The Electric Connection, the electrician Burbank residents trust, today and see what other changes may help your bottom line too.

Install Solar Panels – 3 Affordable Options

When considering solar power, most people picture complete independence from traditional electrical utilities by harvesting enough solar energy to provide their home with the amount of electricity it needs to function each day. Many homeowners look into this, only to discover that this large of an undertaking and the cost of solar panels is beyond their means. Rather than looking further, this is the point that most people give up and move on to something else. Fortunately, there are a variety of affordable solar options that can get you started without the need of a large solar array.

  1. Solar Swimming Pool Heater
    It is estimated that solar pool heaters are one of the most cost-effective forms of solar power. They are more durable than their gas and electric counterparts, and cost about the same. Studies have shown that most heaters cost roughly $4,000, which will earned back between two and seven years.
  2. Solar Water Heaters
    Another option for harnessing solar power in mild climates is a solar water heater. These tubes utilize a very simple system of black tube in order to heat water before it flows into your conventional water heater. This reduces your need to use gas or electric to heat the water. One thing to keep in mind is that these systems could freeze under very cold temperatures.
  3. Solar Lease or Solar Loans
    In addition to the two options above, there are many solar panel installers who offer solar lease or solar loan programs. Under these programs, you have a couple of options that involve paying a monthly fee to either lease the solar panels or purchase them over time.

Pasadena Electrician Advises – Upgrade to Energy Star Appliances

As the world’s population has grown and technology has expanded, our dependence on our electrical systems has become higher than ever. Because of this, each home must use more and more electricity in order to maintain life as they are accustomed to. While this brings many great things, such as simplified everyday tasks and a variety of entertainment options, it also means that we are contributing to many harmful environmental practices on a greater level. In order to combat this, the US Government has created the Energy Star rating to certify appliances that meet a certain level of energy efficiency and usage. When upgrading your appliances, it is highly recommended that you choose these energy efficient models to both reduce your carbon footprint and lower your energy bills.

What Does Energy Star Mean?
Whether your appliance requires special installation by an electrician in Pasadena, or if you can just plug it in and go, an Energy Star rating means that the equipment that you are installing is high quality, energy efficient and built to last. There are a variety of rules and regulations set out to help determine whether an appliance meets these standards. Each appliance’s performance and energy consumption are measured against the current standards in order to make this determination. As a result, you can be assured that any Energy Star Appliance that you purchase will be much more efficient than a similar unit that is not rated.

In addition to your standard appliances, such as refrigerators, air conditioners, dishwashers, ovens, washers and dryers and heating systems, you should also be on the lookout for more mundane Energy Star rated items such as light bulbs. These bulbs and other products are tested in the same manner that your appliances are to ensure that they meet a high standard. For more information on reducing energy consumption, or for help upgrading your electrical system to handle new appliances, give us a call at The Electric Connection. Click here to visit our website.