Importance of Bathroom Fans

You might be thinking, “do I need a fan in my bathroom?” The answer may surprise you. In addition to keeping the bathroom from getting too hot, a bathroom fan actually has many benefits. The first purpose of installing a bathroom fan is to keep the moisture out of the room. The fans can also help remove odors as well as remove fumes from cleaning materials that might pose health issues.

Where to Install Bathroom Fan

bathroom fanThere is actually a lot that goes into deciding where to install a bathroom fan. If you have a smaller bathroom, this may be an easy decision, but larger bathrooms require some thinking and math. Design architects and builders work hard to ensure that bathroom fans are placed in the right spot not only for safety and proper ventilation but also for the aesthetics.

The most important aspect of finding a place for the bathroom fan is finding the right size fan. So, what bathroom fan do you need? It must be big enough to ventilate your entire room or else it’s purpose is diminished. There is a simple math equation that helps determine the size of fan you need for your bathroom. Simply take the volume of your room (the cubic feet) and then multiply that by 8 (which is the number of exchanges of air per hour). Take this sum and divide it by 60 which will result in the required CFM, or cubic feet per minute, you need for the room.

Once you know which bathroom fan to buy, finding the right spot is pretty easy. Heat rises and the primary function of the fan is to reduce the moisture in the room so the best place for the fan is in the ceiling that is the highest from the ground. You should also place the fan near the element that is creating the most moisture or odor. Do not just place the fan in the middle of the room, it should be placed either over the toilet or the tub. Remember that fans placed over a shower or tub must be rated for where they are located and protected with a GFCI.

When To Install A Bathroom Fan

If you currently do not have a fan in your bathroom, you might want to consider installing one. This will help remove the moisture and unpleasant odors. Without a bathroom fan, you might find yourself cleaning the bathroom more. You might even be faced with a mold problem if the moisture can’t escape properly.

When To Replace A Bathroom Fan

When your bathroom fan starts acting up, how do you know if you need to replace it? Repeated use of any device can cause it to fail over time, but fortunately there are some warning signs to look out for.

  • Odd noises or sounds. Loud throbbing or clanking can mean that the bearings are starting to fail or the blades are not aligned properly. It’s important to realize that most bathroom fans cannot be repaired properly so they must be completely replaced. Since the unit is sealed, it is impossible to grease the bearings so when they stop working the unit must be replaced.
  • Power up time. If you are noticing that the fan is starting slower and slower it may be time to replace it. Sluggish or slow startup times means the unit is starting to fail.
  • No power. When you turn on the fan and nothing happens, this might be a big sign it has failed. If you have access to check for power, do so, but it might be time for a replacement. The electrician you call to replace it can give you a more accurate diagnosis.

Bathroom fans are a great addition to any home, almost a necessary one. Any electrician can help you decide which one to buy and where to place it. Be sure to ask for references before you have an electrician visit your home.

The Electric Connection is proud to serve the people of Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. We have been installing bathroom fans for over 30 years. Our electricians are licensed and insured to bring you the best services in the area. Give us a call today to get on schedule.

Why Do Breakers Trip? Electrician in Pasadena Explains

Why do breakers trip? Have you ever turned on the vacuum or started the microwave while the toaster was in operation and experienced a tripped breaker? If you have ever dealt with a breaker that trips, you are probably wondering why it happened and want to know what that means for the safety of your home. An electrician in Pasadena is here to explain. You can learn more by calling The Electric Connection.

First of all, it is important to explain what a tripped breaker really is. Your breaker panel is probably located outside or in a hallway or basement area. When a breaker trips, it cuts off all flow of electricity to the outlets and light fixtures that the particular breaker supplies electricity to. When looking at the breaker panel, the tripped breaker will be slightly in the middle instead of all the way left or right. An orange bar is usually used to indicate which breaker has tripped.

As far as why the breaker trips, there are 3 main reasons
• Ground Fault
• Overloaded Circuit
• Short Circuit

An overloaded circuit is probably one of the most common reasons. If your breaker isn’t powerful enough to run several appliances at once, like the microwave, vacuum and toaster, it becomes overloaded and shuts down. You can address this by distributing your electrical draw to different outlets that are run by different breakers or by having your Pasadena electrical system investigated. You may be in need of additional breakers.
A ground fault or short circuit are much more dangerous than an overloaded circuit. Breakers that have bare wires or a bad connection can cause fires. If you don’t see anything out of the ordinary, but are still having trouble with a tripping breaker, give the folks at The Electric Connection a call.

Hot Tub Installation by Electrician Beverly Hills Homeowners Rely On

Have you decided to take the plunge—pun intended, and buy a hot tub? Coming home after a long day and climbing into a hot tub can be extremely satisfying. The hot water bubbling and washing over sore muscles can soothe all those aches and pains that tend to build up over the day.

Your first step is to head to the specialty store that sells the hot tubs. Pick the tub that is the right size for your family’s needs. There are a lot of choices and this may be a process that takes you several weeks. Once you have chosen the perfect tub, you need to decide exactly where it is it will go in your yard. Remember to consider the power needed to operate the tub when you are thinking of placement. Then, you will need to call your electrician. Beverly Hills homeowners can give The Electric Connection a call to discuss installation.

Because of the amount of electricity needed to power a hot tub, it requires a dedicated breaker. The luxury appliance will also need to be hard-wired into your home’s main power. This is a big job that requires the experience and knowledge of a certified electrician. In most cases, county and city codes require a licensed electrician completes the hook up.

If your home is older, you may need to have an electric panel upgrade to accommodate the new hot tub. If you are unsure of what you have, call your electrician. Beverly Hills homeowners will need to ensure their home has the additional power needed to power the hot tub. This is typically not something the average person would be able to tell by simply looking at the electric panel.

Give The Electric Connection a call and we will be happy to inspect your electrical panel and complete the hot tub installation for you.

Troubleshooting Tripping Breakers with Your Electrician in Glendale

If you have a breaker or several breakers that are tripping, there are some things you can do to keep it from happening. If you are not comfortable with trying to diagnose the problem, you can call The Electric Connection. We have skilled electricians who can certainly take care of the troubleshooting process for you.

Follow these troubleshooting guidelines from your electrician in Glendale to see if you can identify the problem.

1-Note what is plugged in when the breaker trips. It is possible the breaker is being overloaded. You will need to reduce the number of appliances running off of one breaker. Microwaves should be on their own outlet when possible. Do not resort to using several powerstrips that are completely loaded. This is another major draw and can overburden a breaker. If you need additional outlets or another breaker, give your electrician a call.

2-Your large appliances like the air conditioning unit, hot tub or dryer should all be on their own dedicated circuits. If this is not the case, call an electrician. Glendale homeowners will need the expertise of a certified electrician to take care of this situation.

3-Carefully check each appliance that is plugged in when the breaker trips. There may be an issue with the appliance or the wiring. Don’t use it anymore.

A breaker that trips often for no apparent reason should always be inspected by an electrician. It could be an indication of a bigger problem. Sometimes, the breaker will need to be replaced. In other cases, the electrical wiring to the outlet/s may be the issue. In any event, it is always a good idea to have an electrical inspection completed to check for any serious problems that could be a fire hazard. If you are interested in learning more about this, give The Electric Connection a call today.

Outdoor Ceiling Fans—Electrician in Los Angeles Explains the Benefits

Stagnant air can be rather miserable. When you are sitting outside, you are typically hoping for that refreshing breeze to keep you cool and comfortable and to break up the hot air that tends to become thick and heavy. Of course you have heard about ceiling fans inside your home to take care of this problem, but did you know you can actually have a fan outside as well?

Outdoor ceiling fans can be placed in any outdoor living space to make it more comfortable and enjoyable for you. Evenings out on the patio or lunches in the middle of the day can still be enjoyed without the heat becoming too much when you have an electrician in Los Angeles install an outdoor ceiling fan.

These fans are specially designed to withstand the elements. Rain, wind and salty sea air are kept out of the electrical components with a specially designed housing. Although, there are different levels of protection. You will need to consider where the fan will be placed and your proximity to the ocean and the corrosive salty air. This is something you can talk more about with your electrician. Los Angeles residents can rely on The Electric Connection to help explain the ins and out of outdoor ceiling fans.

Basically, there are 3 different main types of fans. The first is designed to withstand minimal exposure to the elements. This is the type of fan you would put in a covered outdoor area. The second fan is designed to withstand direct exposure to the elements. If you are considering putting your fan in an area that is not covered, you will need this type. The last fan type is one that is made to hold up against the erosion from the salty air.

Of course, each type of fan is available in an assortment of styles and colors. Have fun choosing a fan that is right for your needs. Once you have picked the perfect fan, give The Electric Connection a call and we will be happy to schedule an installation appointment.

An Electrician in Los Angeles Can Test Your Circuit Breaker for Damage

Under normal circumstances, a circuit breaker lasts for years without ever needing repair or replacement. However, from time to time a circuit breaker will actually “break.” Diagnosing a circuit breaker problem is not a project that an amateur should attempt on his or her own. Only the most skilled do-it-yourselfers can handle this project. Unless you are skilled in electrical safety practices and the proper use of electrical test equipment, contacting an electrician in Los Angeles just makes sense.

If you have a breaker that is tripping regularly, more than likely the breaker is doing its job—the circuit is just overloaded. A skilled electrician Los Angeles can test this by using an ammeter—a tool that is used for testing the amount of electricity going through the circuit. Another problem that occurs regularly is that the breaker will not reset after tripping. In this case, the problem is more likely in the line of electricity rather than the breaker. In most cases the line has a fault and the breaker will (purposely) not reset until the fault is cleared.

When an electrician comes to test your breaker, he will likely first test the voltage at the breaker terminal. Generally, the reading should show 120 VAC. If this appears correctly, he will load the circuit and test again. If voltage drops at this point, there is a good chance the breaker is bad.

Since this is a job that is so in-depth and difficult, calling an electrician from The Electric Connection is highly recommended. These experts have years of experience and training, so they are able to review your problem and determine the best way to proceed. There is no use in taking risks when it comes to your safety and the safety of your home; an experienced electrician is just a phone call away.