Adding Outlets for Easier Life with an Electrician

electricon7_2-16We live a world that is very plugged in. All of gadgets that keep us updated with work, play and family require a charged battery that can only be achieved by plugging the unit into the wall. We have an electrical appliance for just about any task we have. All of this means we are very dependent on the electricity we are so lucky to have. Sometimes, our needs surpass the supply. How many times have you had to dig out an extension cord because you were short on outlets or you needed to charge your laptop while you were in an area that didn’t have an available outlet? It happens a lot. You need the services of an electrician, like those at The Electric Connection.

Additional outlets installed in your home or office can make life easier. It allows you to streamline your work space whether you are cooking dinner or working on a big project for work. You don’t have to figure out what to unplug so you can plug in another device. You can have it all with the help of an electrician in southern California. It doesn’t take a lot of work and there won’t need to be a complete remodel to add the additional outlets.

In some cases, the electrician may need to add an additional breaker to support the new outlets. This is generally when you want to run a large appliance, like a refrigerator or stove, or when you already have a number of appliances on the same breaker. This is something that will be evaluated before any electrical work is started. An additional breaker is usually not an issue. In rare cases, a panel upgrade may be necessary. This is usually for older homes that have limited breakers or outdated wiring. Give The Electric Connection a call today and get started on your way to electrical outlet freedom.

Dimmer Switches Save Money Says Pasadena Electrician

electriccon_09_5Sometimes, it truly is the little things that make a difference. When you are relaxing at home after a long day at work, you don’t necessarily want or need full on light. Maybe your eyes are tired and you just want a little light to sit by. That isn’t possible if you only have a single switch that has the lights full on or all the way off. A dimmer switch can eliminate that problem. It gives you full control of the light emitted from your bulbs. It is a quick and easy fix that can be taken care of by your electrician in Pasadena on a single visit. The professional staff at The Electric Connection can take care of your dimmer installation.

There are plenty of reasons you should have a dimmer switch installed.

*Save money on your electric bill. When you have things like chandeliers with several bulbs in them and each of those bulbs is on full power, you are going to run up your electric bill. With numerous bulbs, you rarely need each of them at full power. A Pasadena electrician can install a dimmer switch that lets you control how much light you shed. The lower the light, the more money you will save.

*Extend the life of your bulbs. You can make your lightbulbs last longer when you use a dimmer switch. As you know, some lightbulbs can get rather expensive. Making a bulb last a year or more will save you money while doing something great for the environment.

*Freedom to use your lights to set the mood is a huge perk to having a dimmer switch installed by an electrician. Pasadena homeowners will appreciate the ability to turn the lights down low to create an intimate, quiet setting or turn the lights on full power when it is necessary.

Dimmer switches are an affordable way to create an entirely new look in every room of your home. If you need a new fixture to accommodate your dimmer switch, this is an easy fix for an electrician. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your dimmer switch consultation.

Are Sparking Outlets Dangerous? Santa Monica Electrician Explains

electriccon_08_6Have you ever plugged something into an outlet and sparks fly—literally? Little sparks or a lot of sparks accompanied by a popping sound can be scary and it shouldn’t be taken lightly. There are minor sparks and major sparks. An electrician in Santa Monica will explain why outlets spark and what it means for you and your safety. If you have any more questions, you can call The Electric Connection.

A blue arc that occurs when you first plug in an appliance, is not generally cause for concern. You are seeing that blue arc because the appliance is immediately drawing electricity from the outlet. The electricity that is flowing through the wires behind your walls and to the outlet is moving pretty quick. When you make that connection between appliance or lamp and outlet, it is kind of like static electricity explains a Santa Monica electrician.

Now, a spark that happens while an appliance is plugged in is a serious concern. This means there is a break in the connection somewhere along the line. It may be the cord to the appliance or it could be the wires to the outlet. Bare wires that come into contact with each other or touch anything else can spark, causing a fire. This is an issue that should be repaired immediately by an electrician. Santa Monica homeowners should shut off the breaker to the outlet that is sparking and call for service.

Another cause for sparking could be water. If an appliance comes into contact with water, the water interrupts the flow of electricity and creates a spark. This is obviously very dangerous. Water and electricity do not mix—ever. Consider having GFCI outlets installed in areas where water and electricity are in close vicinity to each other, like the bathroom or kitchen. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your outlet repair.

Importance of Outdoor Outlets by Beverly Hills Electrician

electriccon_07_2The summer time is great for hanging out outside with friends and family. Backyard barbecues, pool parties and chatting into the wee hours of the night are all a part of making memories. Your memories likely include some electricity. Yes, it seems strange and completely off base, but electricity can make your backyard summer days a little more comfortable and convenient. Maybe you need to plug in your docking station or maybe you need to charge your phone or laptop. You don’t want to be cooped up inside or leave your phone behind. You need an outdoor outlet or two. An electrician in Beverly Hills is here to explain the importance of having outdoor outlets places around your yard and patio area. The team at The Electric Connection can answer any more questions you may have about the convenience.

Homes are required to have at least one outdoor outlet in the front of the house and another in the back. This is really not enough to keep up with today’s technological world. If you have electric weed eaters or hedge trimmers, you will be forced to use several extension cords to reach the far corners of the yard. This can be dangerous as well as frustrating. A Beverly Hills electrician can make your landscaping duties a little easier and safer by installing a few more outdoor outlets to cut down on your need for so many extension cords.

Outdoor outlets also make it much easier to light up your yard for the holidays. Overloading a circuit is a common issue when you try and connect several strands of lights or decorative yard items on one outlet. This is actually a fire hazard that can be avoided with one call to your electrician. Beverly Hills homeowners will appreciate the freedom and flexibility several well-placed outdoor outlets gives them. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your installation.

Why a Dimmer Switch? Santa Monica Electrician Explains

If you have ever lived in a home with a chandelier in the dining room, you may have had a dimmer switch. The switch probably seemed functional and rather standard. You never thought twice about it. However, if you live in a home that doesn’t have a dimmer switch, you can quickly see the benefits to having one. In fact, your electrician in Santa Monica, like those at The Electric Connection, can explain why a dimmer switch is more than just a convenience.

Energy Savings

There are many times you don’t need full light, but you have to turn on the switch to avoid being in complete darkness. It is a waste of electricity and you know it, but you may feel trapped. You don’t have to! Dimmer switches can be installed by a Santa Monica electrician where light needs are likely to fluctuate like the living room, dining room and your bedroom. By only turning the light on as bright as you need, you are reducing the amount of electricity you use.

Save on Light Bulbs

By reducing how much you use your light bulbs, you are going to prolong their life, which will save you money. You can add years to your bulb’s life simply by adjusting the dimmer.

Freedom to Control Ambiance of the Room

Light plays a huge role in the overall ambiance of a room. When you are enjoying an intimate dinner, low light is appropriate. When you have lots of kids and a more lively dinner, you want plenty of light to see what is happening. A dimmer switch gives you complete control of the light setting.

If you would like to have a dimmer switch installed, call your electrician. Santa Monica homeowners may need to upgrade their older light fixtures to accommodate light bulbs that are suitable for dimmers. Not all CFLs or LEDs can be connected to a dimmer switch. Give The Electric Connection a call today to learn more about what you need to have a dimmer switch installed in your home.

Taking Care of Faulty Outlets with Electrician in Burbank

Without electricity, we would have an extremely difficult time getting through our day. We rely on it for everything from making our first cup of coffee in the morning to charging our cell phones as we sleep at night. All of the appliances we use on a daily basis must be plugged into an outlet. When those outlets are not working properly or pose a threat to the safety of your home, you need to call an electrician in Burbank. You can count on the team at The Electric Connection to send out a knowledgeable electrician to take care of the problem.

There are a number of different reasons why an outlet may be giving you problems. You may not even realize an outlet is faulty and assume an appliance is on the fritz or an incident was just a fluke. The following signs indicate there is a problem that needs attention.

• Sporadically working
• Black streaks shooting up the wall above the outlet
• You feel a shock when plugging things in
• The breaker that runs the outlet trips frequently
• A crackling noise or smell of burning wires

Any of these symptoms can suggest a serious problem is lurking behind the walls that you cannot see. Electrical fires are one of the leading causes of home fires. It is imperative you hire somebody who has the proper training take care of your Burbank electrical needs.

While the electrician is investigating the problem, the wiring will be inspected to determine if it is outdated or unsafe. If the outlet that is causing the problem is in the kitchen or a bathroom, it would be a good time to have the outlets in those areas upgraded to GFCI outlets. If you would like to make your appointment to have your outlets inspected, replaced or upgraded, give The Electric Connection a call today.

GFCI Outlets–Why You Need Them Explains Electrician in Glendale

If you have never heard of or seen the outlets that are in new homes or office buildings, you are missing out on something that could potentially save you or a family member’s life. A GFCI outlet is an added layer of safety when it comes to dealing with two things that never mix well—water and electricity. No matter how cautious you are, there is always the chance of an accident happening that will mix the two and create a life-threatening situation. Your electrician in Glendale, like those at The Electric Connection, can help you protect your family by installing GFCI outlets.

GFCI stands for ground fault circuit interrupter. The outlets are designed to trip the breaker the instant the flow of electricity is interrupted. If you were to accidentally drop the mixer in the sink or spill a cup of water on it while you were using it, the outlet would trip the breaker and cut the flow of electricity. This prevents you from getting an electric shock. This would be the case if you were in the bathroom using a hairdryer or any other appliance. The outlets also work on cords that may be damaged and at risk of causing an electric shock.

The outlets will replace any current outlets you have in the kitchen or bathroom. You may have seen these before. They have small reset buttons usually in the middle between the top and bottom outlets. Because the outlets will need to be wired, the job will need to be completed by an electrician. Glendale homeowners will feel better about using their electric appliances in areas that are prone to accidents that involve electricity and water mixing. If you would like to learn more about GFCI outlets or are ready to make an appointment to have an electrician upgrade your current outlets, give The Electric Connection a call today.

Prevent Accidents with GFCI Outlets by Los Angeles Electrician

Homes that were built more than 10 to 20 years ago are likely not equipped with the much safer grounded-fault circuit interrupter outlets in the kitchen and bathroom areas. GFCI outlets are ideal for use in areas where there is potential for an appliance to be exposed to water. Everybody knows water and electricity don’t mix. But, we need our gadgets and just try to be extra careful. Unfortunately, accidents happen. A Los Angeles electrician, like those at The Electric Connection, can help you protect not only yourself, but your family members from suffering serious injury when one of those little accidents happen.

The difference between the standard outlet and the GFCI outlets is the safety feature that cuts power to the appliance the second there is an interruption in the flow of electricity from the outlet to the appliance. The breaker will be tripped if the circuit does not flow along the correct path and is interrupted by your body for example. This protects you from suffering an electric shock. If you accidentally drop the blow dryer into the sink while the water is running, it could be an extremely dicey situation if the dryer is plugged into one of the old-style outlets. Power will continue to run to the dryer until the water shorts it out. You would risk receiving an electric shock if you tried to grab the blow dryer out of the sink while the electricity is still flowing.

If you would like to protect your family from these kinds of accidents, call an electrician. Los Angeles homeowners can have current outlets in the kitchen and bathrooms replaced with GFCI outlets without a lot of hassle. These outlets are great for anywhere in the house and can also prevent shock from wires that have been damaged by rodents chewing through or that have been ran over by the vacuum. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your outlet upgrade.

GFI Outlets Explained by Electrician in Pasadena

As technology moves forward, our knowledge of electricity and our ability to make it safer for us to use has also advanced. One of the latest and greatest things we have at our fingertips is GFI outlets. You have probably seen these in some buildings and maybe even a few new homes. The National Electric Code has made these outlets a standard. Kitchens, bathrooms and other areas that are near water like pools and spas are all required to have GFI outlets in place instead of the standard outlets. If you are not sure if you have one of these, call The Electric Connection and we would be happy to explain. You can also read on and learn a little more about what they are.

Your electrician in Pasadena will explain exactly what GFI outlets are. These outlets look different than the standard ones you have seen for decades. There are 2 buttons in the center of the outlet. 1 red and 1 black. These are to test whether the outlet is working and the other is to reset it.

GFI or Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters can prevent against electrocution in the event a person is standing or touching water while using an electrical appliance. The GFI detects the very millisecond the electricity is no longer flowing along its proper second. As soon as it detects the break, it cuts power to the appliance, thus preventing a terrible accident. This is where the reset button comes into play. Simply reset the outlet after the situation has been made safe.

This is a fairly simple precaution you can take today to prevent a serious, life-threatening accident in the future. If you would like to learn more about replacing your existing outlets with GFIs, call an electrician. Pasadena residents can rely on The Electric Connection. We have a knowledgeable staff ready to help make your home a safer place. Give us a call today.

Stop Searching for Outlets! Call an Electrician in Beverly Hills Today

Let’s face it, in today’s very technological world, nearly everything we own needs to be plugged in and charged so it is ready to go when we are. Cell phones, laptops, tablets and even out cars rely on our home’s power to get charged. When there are several people in the home all fighting to get their gadgets charged up before morning, things get tense. Extension cords come out and a dangerous situation is created.

Our world, which involves televisions in every room, computers, coffeemakers, food processors, toasters and you get the point, need electricity. Have you ever done the free outlet search? You wonder around with your device in one hand with the waiting plug in the other and are prepared to plop down wherever the free outlet is in order to get the juice you need. This could be in the hallway, doorway or even the bathroom. You probably unplug one device so you can “borrow” the outlet. This is a recipe for sibling rivalry or frustrated spouses.

Stop doing that! Call your electrician in Beverly Hills. The Electric Connection is ready to help you make your life easier. Additional outlets are an easy fix that can go a long way to making your life a little less stressful.

Whether you need an outlet for you electric car charger or additional outlets in the kitchen to run all of your appliances, you are covered with the help of an electrician. Beverly Hills homeowners do not have to rely on extension cords or resort to uncomfortable positions in the hope just so they can get powered up.
If you are tired of the free outlet searching, give the friendly staff at The Electric Connection a call today. We would love to talk with you about your options and get your appointment scheduled.