How to Install An Electrical Subpanel

electrical toolsWhen it comes to electrical components, installing them yourself may seem complex. But with the right tips and clear directions, you can get something done.

Every home or building is serviced by a main electrical panel. These main panels can sometimes need a subpanel to share the work. A subpanel is a smaller service panel with dedicated functions. It helps to improve the convenience and efficiency of your electrical system.

The subpanel can be connected to the main panel with a thick three-wire cable. Before you can install it, you must confirm that it won’t overload your entire system.
Tools and materials you will need:

Long-nose and Lineman’s pliers, flashlight, strippers, screwdriver, hammers, voltage tester, mounting screws, breakers for the new circuits, approved feeder cables, staples or cable clamps, and the subpanel itself.

Note to reader
This installation involves electrical skills like stripping wires, screwing, and more. It takes a while to complete starting from a few hours. It is also fairly difficult, so don’t expect it to be a walk in the park. It is best to call a professional to install the subpanel for you.

Step 1:
Mount the subpanel a foot away from the main service panel. Pull and clamp the wires from the subpanel. Strip the wires and clamp the cables accordingly in the main panel. Ensure that the neutral and ground wires are carefully connected to their bus bars.

Step 2:
Route the red and black wires. Strip and cut them before connecting to the feeder breaker and snapping the breaker in place. Do the same for the feeder wires and connect them to the terminals. Next, connect the red and black wires to the hot bars and the white to the neutral terminal. Don’t forget the ground wire, which should be connected to the ground bus bar.

Step 3:
There’s still much work to do on the subpanels. Run the wiring for all the new circuits into the subpanel and clamp them. Connect the wires as before with the white wire to the neutral bus bar, hot wires to the circuit breaker, and ground wire to the ground bus bar.
Power is fed from the hot bus bars to individual circuit breakers and to the branch circuits running out of the subpanel.

Check everything and close up the subpanel.

How to Save Money On Electric Bills In an Apartment

save money apartment billsOwning a home comes with several benefits including the flexibility to make changes as you please. But it’s a different thing altogether when you are one of the millions of people who rented an apartment and have limited control over the building. High monthly electricity bills can threaten that sweet feeling of having your own space and freedom.

The good news is, there’s no need to panic or subject yourself to the hassle of high bills. In a few seconds, we will share some practical and effective tips to help you save money on the electric bill in an apartment.

  1. Find perks that work to your advantage.
    Living in an apartment means you must go with the electricity provider your landlord chose. While it may not be your first choice, it’s possible to make this existing plan work to your advantage. Take a look at the bill you have received and call the electricity provider with the number on the bill. Ask the following questions:

    • Is there a specific time during the day or night when electricity is cheaper?
    • Are there perks or extra plans available?
    • Is there time for free electricity?
    • Do they offer free audits?
  2. If you are lucky and most of your questions come with positive replies, you can work your schedule around using electricity more during the cheap or free hours. For example, if electricity is free at night, do the laundry or use the dishwasher during that time. A free audit can help you learn ways to save on electricity and use less power.

  3. Change your habits
    Perhaps you have never had to pay the electricity bills so you never practiced restraint. Well, you get to learn how to change your habits if you want to save on the bill.

    • Don’t leave idle appliances on
      If you are not using a certain appliance, unplug it. Leaving these appliances plugged to the outlets still draws electricity which is accounted for in your bills.
    • Establish electricity-free days
      It won’t hurt you to go without the Television or other power demanding electronic appliances once or more times in a week. They consume more electric power and limiting your use can save a lot on the bill.
    • Use cold water and sun dry
      Wash your clothes or dishes in cold water and save on the electric power needed for hot water. You can also opt for sun drying clothes if possible.
    • Maintain your appliance
      When electrical appliances work slower they consume more power. Keep all your electronics efficient with regular maintenance to avoid the demand for more power.
  4. Get tooled up
    The changes you can make to the apartment to save on the electric bill include:

    • Switch to the power saving LED bulbs
    • Use a low-flow shower head
    • Insulate your water heater
    • Purchase a smart thermostat
    • Use fans
    • Use a low-flush toilet

If you are unsure about making these changes, then don’t hesitate to ask your landlord before proceeding.

Are Online Reviews Important for Local Search?

contractor asking for reviewsYour business reputation is invaluable to its success. And in recent times, consumers no longer want to hear how good your business is from you, they want a third party confirmation from users like themselves. This brings us to the ever growing importance of reviews for businesses.

Let’s check out some stats.

92% of buyers or consumers depend on business reviews to help them decide which companies to trust.

This means that if your business reviews contain more negatives than positives, potential clients will be skeptical and probably look elsewhere.

Now, not only do reviews affect purchases, but they also influence your local SEO or visibility. When you own a local shop, you want to be seen on online local searches to boost sales.

Studies have shown that 86% of consumers read reviews for local businesses before making any decisions.

Here’s why online reviews are important for local searches.

  • They show your business is genuine and offers good products- that is if there are positive reviews to speak for you.
  • The consistency and quality of online reviews make you seem relevant to search engines and increases your chances of showing up in top results. Not only do you need to have more positive reviews, but you must also have them consistently.
  • Studies show that over 40% of consumers only read reviews which are up to 2 weeks old. The implication of this is you would lose some prospects if your last review was a month ago.
  • Some online reviews are keyword rich. Trying to rank higher in searches all by yourself can be daunting but with rich and consistent reviews, it can become much easier. Some customers tend to speak about the service when they leave reviews. This applies to both positive and negative feedback. These service keywords go a long way in local searches and can improve rankings greatly.

How to get reviews

The reason most businesses avoid the subject of reviews or suck at it is that asking for reviews can be tough. It is not an easy feat to convince most people to feel interested in leaving feedback about your business.

This gets worse for positive reviews because customers who feel they had a bad experience waste no time in letting the world know about it. So, how do you get your clients to leave reviews especially good ones? The team at The Review Generator has compiled a few tips to guide you.

  • Delegate a team to this task.
  • Remember not to sound too formal, pushy, or needy when asking for reviews.
  • Create a template text to send as emails or messages to customers. Try to include links to the review page in these messages.
  • Set up a review page customers can visit to drop reviews and see other customers’ feedback too.
  • Claim your listings and business profiles on review sites to help you monitor your online reputation.
  • Respond professionally and interactively to reviews online.

Good practices to help maintain your online reputation with reviews

  • Never buy or write fake reviews.
  • Respond appropriately to negative reviews. They are a necessary evil that proves your authenticity and tests your professionalism.
  • Try to get keyword rich reviews by encouraging clients to talk about the service they receive.

The Electric Connection proudly utilizes services by The Review Generator. This reputation management service allows The Electric Connection to collect a variety of feedback from all our clients. We strive on customer satisfaction so when a problem arises, we want to know. The Review Generator allows us to reach out to our customers for feedback, get more positive reviews, and take care of any complaints from our customers privately.

13 Easy Ways to Save Money on Electric Bill

save moneyRegardless of your socio-economic class, every one of us could benefit from a little frugality in our lives. If you keep track of your spending and compare the figures over a long time, you find that you spend more on certain things you believed were cheap. In fact, according to the energy department, a regular family spends an average of $2,200 on utilities alone within a year.

At some point, you may have realized that you spend a lot on electricity. This can rack up a hefty bill and nobody wants that. We have put together some practical tips to help you save money on electric bills.

  1. Get an energy audit
    Before you dive into cutting down on this and that, it is relevant to assess the energy needs of your home. Several utility companies offer an energy audit for free so you can take advantage of them. The information will give insight on where to cut down your energy use.
  2. A smart home saves energy
    As professional electricians, we know that modern and smart homes have better chances of cutting down electricity bills. Smart homes come with several automated or programmable systems which make it easy to increase comfort levels and save on bills. You can turn off lights, heat, air, and more when you are not home or don’t need them. This control can help save big on electricity bills and enjoy a safer, comfortable home.
  3. Ceiling fans
    Ceiling fans still work and are a great substitute for air conditioners. They help to circulate air around the home, and although they might not change room temperatures like air conditioners; they are great for lowering energy costs. An electrical technician at The Electric Connection can provide a ceiling fan installation service.
  4. Replace light bulbs
    Slowly replace the light bulbs in the home with energy saving, efficient LED lights. LED lights are uniquely designed lights that are affordable and capable of cutting energy use by 50%. Some home decorators dislike LED lights for their ugly bright coils, but in recent times, better-looking LED lights are being produced.
  5. Install dimmer switches
    An electrician can assist you with the installation of dimmer switches. A dimmer switch allows you to set the brightness of your home lights to your liking. Setting it on low when not in use or in the evenings helps you use less electrical energy.
  6. Line dry your clothes
    Saving involves sacrifice and compromise. In this case, line drying your clothes is not so tough. After using the washing machine, save on energy by line drying clothes outside (in your backyard) or in an airy place.
  7. Carry out yearly HVAC maintenance
  8. Lower the water heater temperature
  9. Do laundry with cold water
  10. Do home chores at night to avoid peak time billing during the day.
  11. Unplug appliances when not in use
  12. Use a programmable thermostat
  13. Upgrade home appliances for better efficiency and energy saving.

How Do I Tell the Size of the Main Electrical Panel I Have?

electrical panelKnowing the size of your main electrical panel informs you of how many appliances you can run. It helps to determine if your panel can supply the electrical power you need after a renovation or room expansion. It also helps you decide if an upgrade is necessary.

As a homeowner, it may seem difficult to learn anything about electricity in your home. Sometimes, it could be dangerous to go DIY on these things. This is why we are dedicated to constantly giving you the tips you need. Keep reading to learn how to tell the size of your main electrical panel.

How does it work?

The capacity of the electrical panel in your home is measured in amperes (amps). An electrical panel’s capacity can range from 30 amps to 400 amps. A 30 amps panel is common in ancient homes that have not been updated over the years. You would also find old homes with 60 amps and 100 amps. The average modern home should have a 200 amps panel. Some very large homes with many electrical appliances and power-demanding systems have up to 400 amps.

Electrical current reaches your home from the power utility to the main electrical panel where the power is distributed for home use. The main electrical panel is a wide grey metal box usually found in isolated areas like the garage, furnace room, or basement.

Steps to determine the size of your main electrical panel.

If your electrical panel is in a dark or dimly lit area, you will need a working flashlight. You start by locating the electric meter on the exterior of the house. The electric meter will be the point at which the service wires from the utility company enter the home. This can be different for everyone, but we will explain.

If you have overhead wires from the utility company, they will enter through a metallic pipe which is connected to the electric meter. When you locate the meter, you can use it to determine the size of your electrical panel. A square metal base means you may have a 100 amp panel. A rectangular metal base can indicate 150 amps panel. A round metal base could mean 60 amps. Your main electrical panel will be on the other side of the electrical meter within the home.

The main electrical panel is easy to spot because of its size and color. Take precautions to avoid a wet floor, damaged wires, or other electrical hazards. Open the electrical panel and look for the main circuit breaker. It is usually at the bottom of the panel. The main circuit breaker can be turned off to stop power from reaching the home. The size or rating of the electrical panel is indicated on this breaker.

If the size of your panel is much smaller than your electrical needs, it can be upgraded by an electrician. You can skip finding the size yourself and call on us to provide a complete service for you.

New Lighting Installation in Your Home

recessed lighting installationAn electrical contractor will always tell you that good lighting is everything. These are not empty words as both homeowners and store owners can agree. The benefits and functions of light in any location are numerous. It is one of the primary reasons we use electricity. Lighting illuminates a space to give you clarity and vision, but in contemporary times they do even more. Lights can boost your business in a commercial building. They can improve security, productivity, and efficiency. Also, studies have shown that lights can be associated with good mood and a relaxed mind.

Lighting installations are performed by electrical technicians. These installations range from simple tasks such as light fixtures to more complex installations like recessed lighting. To give you some insight, here are different types of new lighting installations.

Track lighting
Like the name sounds, track lighting involves more than one light installed along a fixture. These lights can be controlled to light up any general direction. This makes them efficient. Track lighting can also add beauty to a place because of their unique placement.

Recessed lights
These lights are installed in the ceiling but are different because the fixtures cannot be seen. You can think of recessed lighting as a bulb pushed into the ceiling till all you can see is the light emanating from a circle above. There are a variety of recessed lights but you should hire a professional electrician to install them.

Wall lighting
Wall light fixtures protrude from drywall. They have to be hard-wired into your home. People mostly use wall lighting for aesthetic purposes. They also offer a wide variety in design.

Pendant lighting and Chandeliers
This is the category for chandeliers and other dropping light fixtures. They light up any space but also have decorative functions. Chandeliers have several forms and are often called premium lights. They might not drop to the ground but their exotic structures add length to these lights. Pendant lighting and chandeliers should be chosen and installed carefully because they are very visible and can set a theme for their location.

Under cabinet lights
You would want under cabinet lights installed in the kitchen to aid you during food preparation. They can also be any size and shape.

Tips for Choosing Lighting Installations in the Home

  • Always consider the ceiling height when deciding what installations to use. Low ceilings work better with recessed lights and not pendant lights.
  • It is important to know your lighting installations plan before construction of your home. This way the structure doesn’t deprive you of the fixtures you desire. However, if you live in a rented apartment, your choices might be limited to following the already provided structure.
  • There is no rule against infusing creativity in your lighting installation plans. Discuss your ideas with the electrical contractor to know if they are possible.
  • Ensure that you think of function before aesthetics. Hence, your first lighting installations should be exterior lights, basement lights, lights in the stairs, and so on.

Should I Ask My Customers to Leave Reviews?

electrician reviewsThe survival of most businesses depends on building trust and loyalty with clients. When a potential customer finds your service attractive, they wouldn’t be in a hurry to hire you because they still require some assurance that you are worth the investment of time and money.

Unfortunately, in an online business or website, you cannot be physically present to apply your skills of persuasion. This means that you must put a system in place to convert visitors to leads.

Business reviews are part of the most vital ways to convince a client that they can trust you, especially when you offer electrical services. Statistics show that about 85% of customers view online reviews from strangers and make their decisions based on them. Hence, electrical service reviews from satisfied clients help to grow your business and establish your brand authority.

Although customer reviews are important, they are not so easy to get. As an electrical contractor, you may wonder if it is okay to ask your customers for reviews. The answer is yes. Some clients are reluctant to leave reviews while others may forget all about it. When you have a client that doesn’t leave a review, you have to develop a way to encourage them or ask subtly.

If you have been in an online business long enough, you would discover that asking customers for reviews may be beneficial but it is also daunting. Here are some tips on how to ask customers for reviews.

  • Engage your Clients
    Customers are more likely to leave reviews- and positive ones – if you engage them on a personal level. Try to connect with clients fully and ask questions that show your concern for their satisfaction. This rapport makes it easier to encourage clients to leave reviews.
  • Review Emails
    Asking for electrical service reviews via email requires a direct approach. You can put together a message body that says how glad you are to work with the client. Include something about the importance of reviews and subtly ask for one.
  • Ask when you receive customer praise
    Some satisfied clients may find it difficult to dismiss their joy. They can offer praises after the job is completed. Take this opportunity to ask them for feedback or review. Ensure that you respond politely and with equal gladness to hear of their satisfaction. When this conversation is established, request that they take a few seconds to show this satisfaction in a written review.
  • Provide links
    To make clients feel comfortable with leaving reviews, you can provide direct links in an email or message to them. This lessens the chances of reluctance and allows the client to leave a review without hassle or wasting precious time.
  • Never Push
    Despite your efforts to create a seamless system where customers can leave electrical service reviews, there would be those that are quite determined not to leave one. When you encounter such clients, there’s no need to push or force them. Simply let it go and encourage them towards return patronage.

There’s is a fine line between asking for an electrical service review and demanding one. While it is fine to develop ways to ask your clients to give reviews, it is wrong to use pressure. Employ suitable tips and be sure to learn what works best for you.

Are Extension Cords Safe For Permanent Use

permanent use extension cordThe short answer here is: no. But when it comes to convenience, we want more than just a short answer.

Extension cords are built for convenience but also built for temporary use. The problem with extension cords is that they are not listed, labeled, or rated for long-term use. The Uniform Fire Code states that these types of cords are intended for the temporary and immediate use of an appliance and are not to be permanently “installed”.

If you are constantly finding yourself relying on the use of extension cords, your best bet it to have an additional outlet installed where you need it the most.

There may be another option for you if installing new outlets is out of the picture. Power strips with circuit breakers or breaker switches are approved for long-term use. Since these strips have built-in surge protectors, they are safe to use for longer periods of time.

Again, there may be issues when it comes to using power strips — as with all devices. Even though the power strips intended for long-term use have built-in circuit breakers, overloading these devices can cause problems. If you plug in too many devices, especially device varying in power needs, you can find yourself facing a real problem. Overloading the wiring can cause fires. Be sure to inspect your power strips thoroughly to ensure you have the right one for your devices and keep multiple on hand to not overload one.

It’s best to have a professional electrician come to your place to assess your situation. If you find yourself relying more and more on extension cords and power strips, it may be time to add some more outlets in your home or office. An electrician will be able to look at your set up and recommend the best course of action for you.

The Electric Connection of Los Angeles has been providing homeowners and businesses alike with expert electrical services for over 35 Years. We’ve built a company of highly experienced, certified electricians to serve your electrical needs. There’s plenty of competition throughout Los Angeles, but we make it our policy to treat our customers the way we would want to be treated. That has gained us a great reputation. We’ll provide you with quality work at honest prices.

Holiday Lighting


LED decorative lights are a fantastic option for your home decorations this Halloween, Thanksgiving and Holiday Seasons. They are safer than non-LED lights, consume less power and produce less heat. There are numerous types for both indoor and outdoor use.


Tips for Your Outdoor Holiday Lighting:


1. Be sure to plug your holiday lights into an outlet that is protected with a GFCI receptacle.

GFCIs are there for safety, they’re particularly important outdoors since rain or any water present where electricity flows can become a serious electrical hazard or safety concern. GFCIs protect anyone who gets anywhere near the lights in wet conditions from the chances of an accidental shock.

2. Consider installing an additional receptacle in a location near to where you plug in your holiday lights.

Many people use extension cords to get power to their holiday lights, which may be hazardous when the extension cords aren’t adequately protected, instead of using extension cords, another option is to add a receptacle or receptacles at the location where the lights plug in so that they can connect directly to a receptacle rather than an extension cord.

3. Consider putting in a switch or time clock for your outdoor holiday lights

Rather than having to plug in and then unplug your Holiday lights each night, it’s a lot easier to set your lights up on either a switch or a time clock that automatically turns them on and off each day. Switches, especially timer switches, can make your holiday lighting easier and pleasant to manage.

Give us a call if you’d like our help with any of you holiday lighting needs. We’re here to help!




Best Electrician – Licensed and Insured

licensed insured electricianElectricity is used so much in our homes we might take for granted how dangerous it can be. Whenever homeowners need work done on their homes and it involved the electrical system, it’s necessary to call a licensed and insured electrician to help out. It might seem like a simple task to replace a light fixture or update an outlet, but the safest option is to go with a professional electrician.

When working with an electrician you are ensuring that your home and family are safe from any accidents that may occur if you try to perform the electrical work yourself. You are also ensuring that your insurance rates will not go up if you try to work on a DIY electrical project. But how do you find the best electrician near you? Take a look at our tips below for some assistance.

Year in Business

How long has the company you’re looking at been in the business? It’s possible to be a great electrical contracting company just out of the gate, but in order to find the best electrician possible, you’ll want to find someone who has been around for a while. Working with electrical isn’t an easy take and can be dangerous if not completed correctly. If you find an electrician who has been in business for a couple years, this is a good indication that they have made a lot of customers happy.

Ratings, References, and Reviews

The best place to look for a new electrician is with your friends and family. Getting a recommendation from someone you know is the best place to start. If your friends and family have trusted this electrician to do work on their homes, you can feel safe having them perform work on yours.

The next place is to look for reviews and ratings. Online websites, such as Yelp and Angie’s List, have been helping homeowners find the best service providers in their area. Read all the reviews to make sure the electrician you have chosen is competent and can perform the work you need to be completed.

Take a Look at Their Services

Make sure the electrician you have chosen can perform the work you need to be done. Many electricians specialize in different areas so it’s important to be sure they can complete the work you need to be completed before scheduling an appointment.

It can be a difficult task finding the best electrician to perform work in your home but if you follow these steps you’ll be on your way with your next electrical project in no time.

The Electric Connection has been providing Los Angeles residents and business owners with expert electrical services for over 30 years. Please contact us if you need any assistance.