Home Remodels with Santa Monica Electrician

Have you recently purchased a fixer upper? With all of the home renovations shows on television these days, you may be inspired to invest in a house that needs a little help. Transforming something old and damaged into something new and lovely is exciting. It can be very fulfilling to get your hands dirty and apply your creativeness to a home renovation. It doesn’t matter if you are planning on flipping the home or making it yours to love. Part of any home renovation is going to include some electrical work, which will require the services of a professional electrician. Santa Monica new property owners can rely on The Electric Connection to take care of the electrical portion of the renovation.

Redoing walls and floors is only half the project. Sometimes you may need to bring an old home into the 21st century with new, safer electrical wiring explains an electrician in Santa Monica. Once you know the wiring is safe and ready to handle the demands on the electric panel, you can move on to the good stuff. Choosing floor material, wall colors and cabinetry is exciting, but the electrical is the first big step.

In some cases, you may be removing walls, which are likely to have wiring behind the sheetrock. This will need to be moved or disconnected by a Santa Monica electrician. Part of your planning will include installing new light fixtures and having outlets installed. With the current trend of having large, flat-screen televisions mounted to the wall, it is a good idea to have an outlet placed high up on the wall. It is the little details like these that can take a home renovation from good to great. It’s all in the details. If you are ready to get started on your home renovation project, give The Electric Connection a call today.

Bold Lighting Schemes by Burbank Electrician

We all have a unique style. Some people loathe being part of the mold. They want to be different and step outside of the box. This applies to the way they dress and the way they decorate their personal spaces. When you own your own home, it is all about expressing yourself with your favorite color pallets, artwork and even furnishings. Another way you can help bring your personality and style into your home is by choosing some bold, innovative lighting schemes with the help of your Burbank electrician. The team at The Electric Connection is here to help you make your personal style stand out.

You are no longer relegated to the standard light fixture in the center of a room or forced to rely on colored bulbs or quirky lamps to express your style. An electrician in Burbank can help bring out your personal style with a variety of installed light fixtures that are functional and bold or classic and elegant. It is all up to you. You can have several lights or a single one. That’s part of the joy of designing your space—you have all the power. You can choose how bright, how dark and how funky your lighting scheme is.

Once you have come up with what you want, you need to call your electrician. Burbank homeowners will need to trust the expert when it comes to the wiring and installation of each of the fixtures. You can ask for dimmer switches to be installed or a wallplate with several light switches that give you the freedom to control the lights from one place in the room. The possibilities are endless. Do some shopping around and find the fixtures that call to you. Then, give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your new lighting installation.

Managing Your Electricity by Burbank Electrician

When something is readily available and seems like it will never run out, we tend to overuse. This is the case with the electricity in our homes. We feel confident knowing we can flip a light switch and have light or turn on the coffee maker and it will work. Rarely is their a need to give a second thought to what we have plugged in in our homes. Electricity is endless—for the most part. However, every little bit we use, whether we need it or not, is costing us. What if you could be a little more mindful and manage your electricity a little better with these tips from an electrician in Burbank, like those at The Electric Connection.

It doesn’t take a lot of effort to reduce the amount of electricity you use on a daily basis explains an electrician. Burbank residents can save a few dollars up to much more by following these quick and easy suggestions.

1. Unplug your cell phone, laptop and tablet chargers when they are not in use. If you can, unplug the toaster and other appliances when they are not in use. Anything that is plugged in will draw a small current of electricity. When you look around your home, you will see that adds up fast.
2. Do what you can to take shorter showers. Even cutting your average shower by a couple of minutes every day adds up to an average of fifteen minutes for the week. Again, the less hot water you use, the less your hot water heater has to work to replace the hot water.
3. Switch out those old bulbs in each of your light fixtures with LED bulbs says a Burbank electrician. This is a quick and easy bill to cut the amount of electricity you use to light your home in half—maybe more.
4. Only run your dryer when it is full. This also goes for the washing machine and dishwasher. Wait another day and do one full load versus two half loads. Quick easy and huge energy saver.

If you would like to learn more about energy efficiency and how an electrician can help you make those changes in your home, call The Electric Connection.

Rental Property Remodels by Los Angeles Electrician

Owning rental properties can be a lucrative investment. For some, they have the ability to rent out a portion of their large home, a small house in the back of their property or even a basement over an area over a garage. This is an excellent way to pay the mortgage payment on your own home or to supplement your income. In order to attract your ideal tenant, you will need to have a space that is beautiful as well as functional. Looks matter and your electrician in Los Angeles can help you transform that dated space into one that is gorgeous and appealing to potential renters. The team at The Electric Connection can help you make that happen.

Adding a little paint and replacing the flooring in a room or apartment is one way to revamp the place. You can also make it look more modern as well as inviting by updating the lighting in the space. This is especially helpful if the apartment you are creating is on the small side or in a basement with low ceilings explains an electrician. Los Angeles property owners will want to look into some of the trendy styles, like recessed lighting for low ceilings and track lighting for spaces that can work with a single fixture that spreads over an entire space.

Along with lighting, ensuring there is enough power in the apartment is key. Most people will need numerous outlets in the kitchen for the various appliances and outlets in the living area for entertainment systems with many components. Your Los Angeles electrician can add additional outlets to ensure a tenant isn’t forced to use extension cords that can be a bit of a hazard when not used properly. Give The Electric Connection a call today and have your rental property revamped.

Dangers of DIY Electrical Work by Beverly Hills Electrician

There is a great deal of satisfaction when you can tackle things around the house and take care of them by yourself. A trip to the home improvement store, a couple hours watching tutorials on the internet and you feel like you got in the bag. As if you are now a master builder and can take care of those things around the house that need a little attention. Here’s the thing; not all jobs around the house are as easy as they are made to appear in those videos. In fact, some are really quite dangerous and should never be attempted, no matter how prepared you think you are. Electricity is unforgiving. One small slip and you could be putting your life in serious jeopardy. It is best to leave all electrical jobs to a professional electrician in Beverly Hills, like those at The Electric Connection.

It may seem like you are throwing away money hiring a Beverly Hills electrician to take care of what you think is a small job, but think of the cost of a hospital stay or the alternative. It only takes a tiny mistake to result in an electric shock. Touching wires that are live or accidentally putting wires together that are not meant to be is a risk you take when you don’t have the proper training.

Even if you do managed to successfully complete the DIY side of an electrical job without electric shock, you must consider long term problems. Just because you didn’t get a jolt when putting in that new outlet or wiring that new light fixture, it doesn’t mean it was done right. It could be an electrical hazard that results in a fire explains an electrician. Beverly Hills homeowners should leave the electrical work to the people who have trained and gone to school to learn how to do it. Call The Electric Connection and protect yourself from yourself.

Home Additions with Glendale Electrician

Adding on to your home to make it a little bigger and more accommodating for you and your family’s needs is a typical part of home ownership. Sometimes, you buy a smaller house or a house that isn’t quite what you want with the intention of remodeling it to suit your needs. This is often a cheaper solution and gives you a little more say in what the addition looks like. If you are considering adding on to your home or transforming that big closet into a second bathroom, you will need the services of an electrician. Glendale homeowners can call The Electric Connection to assist them with their home remodeling needs.

Plenty of people choose a DIY approach when it comes to home remodels. Those with some basic carpentry experience can knock out walls or install sheetrock. However, it is never okay for anyone, besides a certified Glendale electrician, to deal with any of the electrical wiring required for the addition. The risk associated with dealing with electricity are far too great and not worth the few extra dollars you may save. Your homeowner’s insurance will also negate any coverage in many cases if the wiring was not completed by a certified electrician.

It is far easier and will give you peace of mind to have an electrician in Glendale take care of new wiring as well as the installation of new light fixtures. This ensures the job is done right and you will know the addition is safe. In most counties and cities, the addition you put on your home will require permits. The inspector will need to inspect any electrical wiring completed. Don’t risk the job not being done right the first time. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your new addition electrical job.

Do You Have Enough Light? Beverly Hills Electrician Answers

Are you tired of feeling like you are living in a cave? Or maybe your home seems to be overly bright to the point you have to close the curtains or leave the lights off to save your eyes. How do you know when you have enough light? An electrician in Beverly Hills has a few tips to help you determine how much light should be in a room based on what that room is used for. Certain areas, like the kitchen or bathroom, are going to need more light while other rooms are best with lower light. The team at The Electric Connection can help you take care of adjusting the amount of light in your room once you have decided what you need.

There are a few terms you need to know before we get started. Foot candle is the brightness of a bulb one foot away from the source. Lumens is going to be the number of foot candles multiplied by the square footage of the room. It’s easier than it sounds explain a Beverly Hills electrician.

*Bedrooms typically need about 10 to 20 foot candles
*A kitchen needs anywhere from 30 to 80 depending on how much light to prefer.
*A hallway only needs about 10 foot candles
*A living room does best with 10 to 20 foot candles

Now that you know what you need for each space, multiply your needed foot candles per room by the square footage of that room. For example, your living room needs 20 foot candles and it is 200 squre feet, you would need 4000 lumens. Check the lumens on a particular bulb and you will know if you need more light fixtures. You can add a lamp, track lighting or some recessed lighting to get the light you need by calling your electrician. Beverly Hills homeowners can call The Electric Connection to have more light fixtures installed.

Chandelier Upgrades by Santa Monica Electrician

Would you like to have your entryway lighting fixture be one that screams elegance while being functional? If you have always marveled at the homes in magazines or featured in some of those renovations you see on television, you may have noticed the entryway is generally very dramatic. It sets the tone for the home. If you have been longing for a similar update in your home, it can start now with the installation of a gorgeous chandelier by an electrician. Santa Monica homeowners can count on the crew at The Electric Connection to complete the installation.

A chandelier is really a statement piece in a room. You can often let the light fixture act as the only piece of décor and skip adding any artwork. There are many different styles and sizes to choose from, ensuring you will find one that perfectly suits your needs explains a Santa Monica electrician. Do a little shopping online and do what you can to visit the lighting department of your store. The fixture you choose should complement the space, without completely overwhelming it. Large is great, but too large and it will make the space look smaller.

Your next consideration is the amount of light that is actually produced with the chandelier. An electrician in Santa Monica recommends LED bulbs, simply because they are much more energy efficient. You can generally have the chandelier installed with a dimmer switch that allows you to turn up or down the intensity of the bulbs if you have went with a fixture that may be a little too bright for all occasions. However, a dimmer switch will typically not work with a fixture using LEDs—yet. The technology is likely coming, but we aren’t there yet. Give The Electric Connection a call today and let us get your new chandelier installed for you.

Why We Love Recessed Lighting by Pasadena Electrician

Recessed lighting has been a trend in new home construction for the past decade or more. It only seems to be getting more popular with home renovations as more people discover the benefits to the sleek lighting system. People may also be unaware of some of the variations of recessed lighting that are available. It really is a great way to light up your entire home. Your Pasadena electrician has a few points for you to consider as you think about updating the lighting in your home. The team at The Electric Connection can answer any other calls you may have about installing recessed lighting throughout your home or in a single room.

1. The reflective can that surrounds the actual lamp helps direct the light, making it appear much brighter. Instead of light flooding the area, it is directed in one space. A single bulb in a recessed lighting can looks significantly brighter than a traditional fixture.
2. There are different sizes of cans, which means you can tailor the size of the fixture to your needs.
3. You can choose from a variety of trims to match your décor explains an electrician. Pasadena homeowners can choose a reflective trip or ring around the light or go with one in a particular color. This is one way to make a room unique and showcasing your personal style.
4. Most recessed lighting fixtures are compatible with LED bulbs. This a great way to save electricity and take advantage of the brighter, cleaner light of an LED.
5. You can choose an “eyeball” trip, which allows you to direct the light in a particular direction. This is especially handy in living rooms and dens when you don’t want a light shooting directly on you. This style is perfect for highlighting artwork in a room.

Your electrician in Pasadena can help you pick the right light for your needs by offering some tips. Once you are ready to update your lighting, give The Electric Connection a call to have it installed.

When Light Fixtures go Bad by Pasadena Electrician

pasadena electricianIt is a real bummer when something around the house breaks and it isn’t an easy fix. Things like a broken toilet, busted pipe or anything to do with the electrical in the house require someone with knowledge and experience to fix the problem. Things that are necessary, like plumbing and light fixtures cannot be ignored. They are an intricate part of the way your home runs. If you have a light fixture that is not working or just isn’t working for your needs, give your Pasadena electrician a call. You can rely on The Electric Connection to send out a certified electrician to take care of the removal of the old fixture and installation of the new one.

Here are some signs a light fixture is not working as it should and needs to be replaced:

*Flickering lights or lights that randomly turn off and on are one sign. This could just be an indicator of loose wiring. In either situation, the fixture needs to be inspected and possibly replaced by an electrician in Pasadena.

*Light bulbs seem to be blowing at a much faster rate than they should.

*You put a brand new bulb in and it won’t light up, even after you have tested the bulb in a different fixture.

*You flip the switch and nothing happens. This is more likely a problem with the switch, but again, it is always best to have it checked out by an electrician. Pasadena homeowners can avoid serious problems simply by paying attention to electrical problem warning signs.

If you suspect you have a light fixture that is not working, it is time to do something about it. Light fixtures are relatively inexpensive. It is better to be safe than sorry. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your light fixture replacement.