DIY Projects Electrical Safety Tips by Beverly Hills Electrician

Spring and summer is the time of year we like to work around the house outside on the weekends. There are so many projects that we want to accomplish, we can tend to get a little rushed. When you are rushed, you overlook important safety precautions. DIY is a growing trend as people across the country new ways to recycle old stuff and make something new, useful and very cool. Take the pallet trend that is sweeping the nation. In order to make those awesome pallet signs and outdoor furniture, you need some tools. Before you pull out any power tool, your electrician in Beverly Hills has a few safety tips that will not only keep you safe, but ensure your project is a success with no injuries. The team at The Electric Connection can answer any questions you may have related to these tips.

1. Power tools tend to have short cords. If you must use an extension cord, use one that is appropriate for outdoor use. Do not connect more than one cord together. The cord should not be longer than 100 feet.
2. Plug any cords into GFCI outlets. This will ensure the electrical current will be cut off should anything interrupt the circuit. If you don’t currently have these outlets in your garage or outdoor work area, give your Beverly Hills electrician a call.
3. Never use a power tool that has a bad cord. If the cord is frayed, have it properly repaired.
4. If a tool trips a breaker, there is a good chance the breaker is overloaded. Find another outlet to use. If one is not available, consider having your work area upgraded with the help of an electrician. Beverly Hills homeowners can have a breaker added to their electric panel to help accommodate the power tools you want to use on your DIY projects.
5. Never use power tools in the rain. Wait for it to pass.
6. Never use power tools near power lines or electric wiring.

If you need new outlets or breakers to make your DIY a successful venture, give The Electric Connection a call today.

Checking the Wiring by Los Angeles Electrician

Do you ever like to feel safe and secure while you are at home with your family? Of course, you do! Your home is where you should feel the safest. When you leave your home, you want to feel relatively comfortable knowing everything inside is safe as well. Everything you own is in there along with precious family treasures that can never be replaced. Taking precautions like locking your doors and windows and maybe using a security system are typical for giving you that safety you are looking for. However, an electrician in Los Angeles suggests you make sure your home is not in jeopardy from some hidden danger lurking out of sight. The electrical wiring in your home needs to be inspected and the team at The Electric Connection has a staff of certified electricians who can do that for you.

It is important your home has regular checkups. Identifying a problem before it can lead to disaster can save you a great deal of money as well as the hassle of dealing with an electrical fire. There are many new safety features that have become the standard when it comes to wiring new houses. It would be a great idea for you to have some of these features added to your own home by a Los Angeles electrician. Adding minor upgrades like GFCI outlets or replacing an old outdated electric panel is one way to make your home safer.

Old homes are lovely. The architecture and character is undeniable. In some cases, the home may have been in the family for several generations. The key is to keeping that treasure in great shape by having it gone through by an electrician. Los Angeles homeowners will feel safer and more comfortable knowing their home’s electrical wiring is in good shape and doesn’t pose any major risks. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your wiring inspection.

Do You Need an Electric Panel Upgrade? Electrician Answers

electriccon_11_7Have you been struggling with what feels like a lack of electricity in your home? You don’t have enough outlets and have extension cords plugged in here and there. Maybe you have to unplug appliances in the kitchen so you can use another one. Your microwave and toaster can’t run at the same time or your breaker trips. These are all major inconveniences and at times, they can pose a fire hazard. It may be time to consider an electric panel upgrade. The crew at The Electric Connection is familiar with this particular job and can get it done professionally and efficiently for you.

An electric panel upgrade is typically needed for homes that were built before the 1980s. 30 to 40 years ago and of course long before that, homes didn’t have even half of the appliances that we have today. There wasn’t a computer, television and even a mini fridge in every room. Today, we are very dependent on the gadgets that run our life and make life easier and that means we are very dependent on the electricity needed to keep them going. An electrician in California can upgrade the panel and give you the additional electricity you need to make your home run smoother.

Once the panel is upgraded to 200 amp or higher service, you can have additional outlets installed. You can have some of the outlets in the kitchen put on separate breakers so you can run your microwave, toaster and coffee maker at the same time. You will discover the upgrade truly makes your life a little easier. You may even be able to save some time in the morning and will absolutely reduce your frustration as you work around your electrical problems. Your California electrician is ready to help. Just give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your initial consultation.

Home Safety by Electrician in Glendale

electricon_06_4It is important you not only feel safe in your home, but are actually relatively safe from most things. We know there are always hidden dangers around us. We can be ready to deal with these things and there are a few little things we can do around the house to help alert us to those safety issues. An electrician in Glendale has some safety tips that will make your home safer and make you feel a little more comfortable and safe when you and your family are home or away. The team at The Electric Connection can help you get these safety measures taken care of.

GFCI Outlets

These outlets can prevent electric shock. They are designed to shut off the instant the circuit is interrupted. These outlets are generally placed in bathrooms and kitchen areas. If an appliance comes into contact with water while plugged in, the outlet trips, cutting the current and preventing shock.

Electric Panel Inspection

It doesn’t hurt to have a Glendale electrician take a look at your electric panel. It may not look like much to you, but to the trained eye of an electrician, it can say a lot. You will learn about the condition of your breakers, the panel itself and the wiring that powers your home. If you have been having trouble with tripping breakers, this inspection will help you learn why.

Carbon Monoxide Detectors

All homes should have at least one carbon monoxide detector installed explains an electrician. Glendale homeowners can install the detectors themselves. They are usually battery-powered and can be placed in the home to alert you to carbon monoxide levels that are too high.

Smoke Detectors

You probably already have a couple of these in your home, but it doesn’t hurt to have a couple hard-wired smoke detectors installed as well. You can never be too safe.

Give The Electric connection a call today and schedule your safety upgrades.

Servicing the Electric Panel with Beverly Hills Electrician

electricon2_5-16If you are not an electrician, you probably don’t pay a great deal of attention to the gray boxes inside or outside the home. Those rectangle boxes are filled with wires and breakers and for the average person, it is a lot of chaos that doesn’t mean a whole lot except that it has something to do with the electricity that goes to the home. When things go wrong with the electric panel, only a trained electrician in Beverly Hills, like those at The Electric Connection, should service the panel. The panel is the hub of the electricity that comes in from the main power grid and distributes it throughout your house.

Most panels will last for decades without any issues. However, there have been several brands and models that have been made in the 90s that are substandard. There are actually some serious safety issues with the panels. It isn’t something you are expected to know, but you can rely on a Beverly Hills electrician to inspect the current panel and let you know if you have one that has been recalled. While the electrician is there, a thorough inspection of the panel can also be performed. This will identify any issues that may be happening.

Another reason to service the electric panel is for an upgrade. Upgrades should only be completed by a certified electrician. Beverly Hills homeowners who need more power to a specific room or need to add a large appliance like a refrigerator, electric car charger or a new air conditioning unit will need to have their panel serviced and possibly upgraded. This is something an electrician can take care of. If you are unsure about the condition of your electric panel or want to have an upgrade performed, give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your appointment.

5 Reasons to Upgrade an Electric Panel by Pasadena Electrician

electricon5_5-16That dull gray box that sits outside your home isn’t something you pay a lot of attention to. In the house, there is a gray panel that fits into the wall and is somewhere out of the way. Again, you don’t even know it is there unless you are looking for it. Every home has an electric panel. Fortunately, the average homeowner never has to do much with it. Occasionally you may need to open it up to turn a breaker off or on or maybe reset a tripped breaker. However, if you are in and out of that electric panel several times a week, you need an electrician. Pasadena homeowners who are not comfortable with how often they are messing with their electric panel can call The Electric Connection for help. You may need a panel upgrade.

There are several reasons you should consider upgrading your electric panel. The upgrade can only be completed by a licensed electrician in Pasadena. There are codes that must be followed and inspections that must be passed. You don’t want to waste time and money by trying to get by with substandard work. It is also a huge safety issue.

Here are some reasons why you would need or want to have a Pasadena electrician upgrade your electric panel.

  1. The panel has been recalled or deemed a safety hazard
  2. You need more electricity coming from the pole into your house
  3. The panel is outdated
  4. The panel is not working safely or properly any longer
  5. Panels that use old-fashioned wiring methods that are now obsolete

You don’t have to know the ins and outs of your electric panel, but if you suspect there is an issue, it is always best to call an electrician to complete an inspection. You will be given the lowdown on your panel and learn whether or not you need to change out your existing panel. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your inspection.

Upgrading Your Electric Panel with Beverly Hills Electrician

electricon2_4-16You may be getting tired of having to unplug this to plug in that or walking around trying to find an extension cord long enough to use your laptop in your favorite chair when it is dead. Everything we do somehow involves electricity and when the electricity isn’t dependable or easily accessed, things can be difficult. For some, the problem is their home was build 30 years or more ago and back then, builders didn’t have to worry about putting six outlets in the kitchen or several outlets in one spot in the living room to accommodate all of today’s gadgets. Today, when you try to run the microwave and coffee maker at the same time, you get a tripped breaker. Your electrician in Beverly Hills can help you with that. You only need to call The Electric Connection.

The reason you can’t use several appliances at the same time is because the way the outlets were wired to the same breaker. The breaker cannot support the electrical demand. When you look at the basic number of outlets in the living room or your bedroom, it is the same story. A Beverly Hills electrician explains each of those outlets and the light fixture in the room tend to be on one breaker. Trying to add more outlets or a powerstrip to create more outlets is going to overload the breaker and it will trip.

Regular tripping breakers weaken overtime and will eventually not work altogether. You can solve all of these problems by having your electric panel upgraded by an electrician. Beverly Hills homeowners will love the freedom more electricity brings. Charging devices, running appliances with the lights on and living life in the 21st century is possible with an upgrade. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your appointment.

When You Need to Call an Electrician

electricon7_3-16If you are sick, you call a doctor. If you air conditioner stops working, you call an HVAC repairman. We are fortunate to live in a world where we are only a phone call away from help. We are not expected to fix things ourselves. In fact, the economy relies on us calling in professionals who have went to school and made a living repairing things and making our lives a little easier. What about an electrician? When should you call an electrician, like those at The Electric Connection.

Here are a list of jobs that would require you to give your electrician a call.

  • When you have a flickering light or a light that doesn’t always turn on when you flipped the switch.
  • When you need electrical upgrades around the house, like adding additional outlets or replacing old outlets with GFCI outlets.
  • When you want to add a new light fixture.
  • When you know you have old wiring that could be potentially dangerous.
  • If you are doing any kind of remodeling or adding an addition to your home.
  • When you are having a new home built from the ground up.
  • When you buy a new house or are thinking about selling and want to know the condition of the electrical wiring in the home. This is especially important if the home was built before 1950 and there is no proof of electrical upgrades.
  • Upgrading the breaker panel to accommodate your needs.
  • Installing a home office.

This is not a comprehensive list, but it does include some of the more common reasons you would need to hire an electrician. If you have a job that is listed here or have any questions about what kind of electrical work you may need, give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your consultation.

Adding Outlets for Easier Life with an Electrician

electricon7_2-16We live a world that is very plugged in. All of gadgets that keep us updated with work, play and family require a charged battery that can only be achieved by plugging the unit into the wall. We have an electrical appliance for just about any task we have. All of this means we are very dependent on the electricity we are so lucky to have. Sometimes, our needs surpass the supply. How many times have you had to dig out an extension cord because you were short on outlets or you needed to charge your laptop while you were in an area that didn’t have an available outlet? It happens a lot. You need the services of an electrician, like those at The Electric Connection.

Additional outlets installed in your home or office can make life easier. It allows you to streamline your work space whether you are cooking dinner or working on a big project for work. You don’t have to figure out what to unplug so you can plug in another device. You can have it all with the help of an electrician in southern California. It doesn’t take a lot of work and there won’t need to be a complete remodel to add the additional outlets.

In some cases, the electrician may need to add an additional breaker to support the new outlets. This is generally when you want to run a large appliance, like a refrigerator or stove, or when you already have a number of appliances on the same breaker. This is something that will be evaluated before any electrical work is started. An additional breaker is usually not an issue. In rare cases, a panel upgrade may be necessary. This is usually for older homes that have limited breakers or outdated wiring. Give The Electric Connection a call today and get started on your way to electrical outlet freedom.

Updating that Old Wiring by a Glendale Electrician

Photo of a Wire Stripper and Electrical Related Items
Photo of a Wire Stripper and Electrical Related Items

Electrical wiring is one of those things you don’t really think about. It is tucked away nicely behind your walls and is not really one of those things that comes up in normal conversation. You flip a switch you have light, you plug in your phone charger and it works. What more is there to think about? An electrician in Glendale will tell you there is a lot more to think about and be concerned about if your home was built before the 1950s. The team at The Electric Connection has seen it before and has helped other customers bring their homes up to date by upgrading their old wiring.

Old wiring may not seem like an issue until you get behind those walls. When you see how frail it is and the risk is poses to your home, you will see why other owners of older homes have taken the plunge and upgraded their electrical systems. Old wiring that was insulated with cloth was safe then, but by today’s standards, it is a fire waiting to happen. The cloth becomes brittle and falls apart, leaving the wires exposed. One touch of those wires is all it takes to create a spark that will ignite the insulation in the walls explains a Glendale electrician.

Old wiring typically means outdated electric panels as well. You have probably noticed your home doesn’t seem to accommodate as much as the neighbor’s newer home when it comes to plugging things in. You probably cannot run the microwave and the toaster at the same time or run the vacuum if you are making coffee. This can be explained by your electrician. Glendale homes built 60 years ago were not built to accommodate the many electrical appliances that we use in today’s world. If you are concerned about your home’s wiring, give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule an inspection.