Electric Savings Tips for Summer by Pasadena Electrician

Have you cranked up the air conditioner yet this summer? If you have, you already know your electric bill is going to jump up. It can be a huge concern for those who can’t afford to pay an exorbitant electric bill, but also can’t afford not to cool down their homes. A cool home is a comfortable home. You need a place to get out of the heat for your comfort as well as your health. There are a few things you can do to help beat the heat and keep your electric bill from skyrocketing. These are some tips from your Pasadena electrician that will hopefully allow you to stay cool without costing you a small fortune. The team at The Electric Connection can answer any of your electrical questions that may arise.

*Stay ahead of the game by blocking the sun as much as possible with heavy curtains or blinds. Keep them closed during the day. This will go a long ways to keeping your house cool.
*Don’t run the dryer or stove during the day whenever possible.
*Replace the old CFL and incandescent bulbs in your home with LEDs. They not only put off less heat, but they use a fraction of the electricity explains an electrician in Pasadena.
*Consider hanging your clothes out to dry on a drying rack in your backyard or your deck.
*Have a ceiling fan installed by an electrician. Pasadena homeowners will appreciate the cool breeze the fan generates as well as reduce the electric bill by keeping the cool air circulating. This will result in the air conditioner running less.
*Set your thermostat a few degrees higher when you are away from the house.

You can still be cool and comfortable at home without running up your electric bill. Follow these tips and be conscientious about your electricity usage. If you need a ceiling fan installed, give The Electric Connection a call today.

New Wiring a Job for Electrician in Beverly Hills

Photo of a Wire Stripper and Electrical Related Items

Shopping for new light fixtures, ceiling fans or even new outdoor landscaping lights is exciting. It is fun to update your home and make it just a little more attractive. In some cases, the new fixtures are a necessity. No matter what the situation is, it is absolutely critical that you only allow a licensed electrician in Beverly Hills to take care of the new installation of electrical fixtures. The team at The Electric Connection has the right person for the job.

Installing new electric fixtures in your home can be dangerous if you don’t know what you are doing. For your safety and the ultimate safety of your home, a Beverly Hills electrician should take of the job for you. This allows the professional to inspect the existing wiring and identify any issues that should be taken care of before progressing further with the job. It also ensures the new fixture is safe to use and will not pose an electrical hazard. A job completed by a professional is always going to look better than a DIY by someone who isn’t truly familiar with the project. This is your home after all, doesn’t it deserve the best?

There are far too many things that can go terribly wrong when an inexperienced person tries to do the job of an electrician. Beverly Hills homeowners that try to do the job themselves or hire a fly-by-night handyman are risking their homeowners’ insurance should something do go wrong. Using an company that is licensed and bonded is going to protect you and your interests. While it may be tempting to try to complete the task on your own, only allow a professional to touch your electrical wiring. You can count on the professionals at The Electric Connection to get your job completed safely.

Energy Action Month Explained by Burbank Electrician

electriccon_10_3This is the second year the United States is focusing its efforts to really bring energy conservation to the forefront of conversation. We have all heard about fossil fuels being depleted and the demand each house puts on the power grid. We are constantly told we have to be more frugal with electricity. It is for the benefit of the world as well as our bank accounts. Saving energy will ultimately save money on the electric bill and make each one of our carbon footprints just a little bit smaller. Your Burbank electrician and the team at The Electric Connection wants you to know about Energy Action Month, which is this October.

Right now, the government in the United States is taking action to reduce their own energy consumption. It starts at the top and by their good influence, hopefully citizens will follow suit. An electrician in Burbank has some ways that will help you take action this October and develop new habits that will ultimately lead to less energy usage, lower electric bills and a smaller demand on today’s power sources.

Things to do right now include;

*Turn up the AC a couple degrees or turn up the heater a couple of degrees
*Switch out those old bulbs with LEDs (this may require a different light fixture)

Things to Schedule

*Get a ceiling fan installed by an electrician, Burbank homeowners can really save money on their heating and cooling costs with this one device

*Schedule an energy audit to get an idea where you use the most electricity and how you can cut back

These are 4 easy, actionable steps that will help you save money and do something great for the environment. Give The Electric Connection a call if you need a new light fixture or ceiling fan installed.

What’s Spinning Your Meter? Los Angeles Electrician Explains

electriccon_july_1Have you ever walked outside the house where your electric meter is mounted and heard a strange whirring noise? Was it the sound of the little hands on your frantically spinning around and around? If so, you were probably instantly alarmed. Every turn on that meter is costing you money. Your electric bill is going up right before your very eyes. How can you stop the wheels from spinning quite so fast? An electrician in Los Angeles is going to tell you how. At The Electric Connection we understand that every dollar counts and if you can keep a few more in your pocket things will be much better for you.

The following items are some of the biggest energy hogs in your home that are causing that meter to spin like crazy. Some you can control and others are just a part of life explains a Los Angeles electrician.

1-The refrigerator is costing you money. If you have invested in an energy efficient refrigerator, you are ahead of the game, but even those use a lot of electricity. The key is to make it use less by making sure the filter on the bottom and behind the refrigerator is clean.

2-A hot water heater is also going to cost you. You can limit how often it runs by shortening your hot showers and only washing full loads of dishes. Using the cold or warm setting on the washer is another way to cut back on hot water usage.

3-The air conditioning unit is probably one of the biggest culprits causing your meter to spin explains an electrician. Los Angeles residents definitely need to stay cool in the summer, but keeping the thermostat turned down too low isn’t really necessary. You can save some money on your electric bill by having a ceiling fan installed. The fan will circulate the cool air and create a slight breeze that makes you feel cooler.

Give The Electric Connection a call if you have any questions or would like to have a ceiling fan installed in your home.

5 Ways to Be More Green by Electrician in California

electricon_06_7It feels good to do something good for our neighborhood and the people we spend time with every day, even if it is from a distance. Doing the right thing and helping out in your little corner of the world gives you a sense of belonging, accomplishment and a little pride. You are doing your part to make the world better. You don’t have to be a trailblazer, a celebrity or someone who is given accolades to truly make a difference. An electrician in California has a few tips for you to use that will have a positive impact on the environment. You can leave the world a little greener. Encouraging your friends and family to follow these practices makes your impact that much bigger. At The Electric Connection, we hope to work with you to make things better.

Going green is trendy. It is cool to be green. Check out some of the things you can do in your house to be a little more green.

1-Turn the AC up 2 degrees and the heater down 2 degrees. Use a ceiling fan installed by an electrician to keep the room feeling cool without using nearly as much electricity.

2-Make it a goal to shorten your hot showers by at least 2 minutes everyday.

3-Use a stand to dry your clothes on the patio, deck or even in a room in the house that tends to be warm. An outside clothesline is also an option.

4-Quit leaving your lights, televisions and music players on when you are not using them!

5-Buy a solar charger and use it to charge your cell phone, laptop and tablet. Consider this baby steps to switching to solar power.

Becoming more energy efficient doesn’t necessarily mean you sit in the dark or don’t use hot water. You can still be energy conscientious without really changing the way you do things today. Give The Electric Connection a call if you need a new ceiling fan installed.

5 Ways to Save Electricity this Summer by Santa Monica Electrician

electricon6_5-16Stay cool as a cucumber this summer without running your electric bill sky high and your finances into the ground. Summer is such a fun time of year that we all look forward to those hot days spent at the beach enjoying the warm ocean breeze. Sometimes, the heat is just too much. We all need a break. We don’t want to be warm all the time, especially when we want to relax or sleep. It is natural to turn the AC down a bit so you can cool down after a long day in the sun. unfortunately, every degree you lower the thermostat is more money you are going to be spending. An electrician in Santa Monica wants you to stay cool and comfortable, without breaking the bank. The team at The Electric Connection has been helping customers like you for years and is here to help.

There are some things you can do this summer to help stay cool without taxing the AC. Your Santa Monica electrician says these are tried and true methods.

  1. Invest in some heavy shades for the windows that get the most sun. Draw the shades when the sun is beating down on those windows to help keep it a little cooler in the room.
  2. Consider investing in window tint on windows that face the south. This allows you to see out without allowing the hot sun to heat the room.
  3. Have a few ceiling fans installed by an electrician. Santa Monica homeowners will love the feel of a cool breeze washing over them when they are in bed at night.
  4. Open the windows at night if the temperature is cool. Giving the AC unit a break can save you a great deal.
  5. Try to avoid cooking with the oven during the heat of the day. Use a crockpot instead.

Stay cool this summer without having to pinch too many pennies. Give The Electric Connection a call today to schedule your ceiling fan installation.

Upgrading the Home’s Electrical with Santa Monica Electrician

electricon6_4-16When you are a homeowner, there seems like there is always something you can or want to do around the house to make it a little better. It is part of owning a home. Home improvement projects are fun and rewarding whether you are tackling them yourself or hiring a professional team to take care of the heavy lifting so to speak. There doesn’t ever seem to be an end to the things you can do to make your home a little better, safer and more valuable. One of the things that people tend to overlook because it isn’t always obvious is the electrical system in the home. An electrician in Santa Monica will tell you that despite it’s relative anonymity, it is probably one of the most important elements of your home. The team at The Electric Connection has been making homes a little safer for decades and they can help you as well.

You may not have any obvious problems, but unless you have an inspection, you truly don’t know what hidden dangers may be lurking behind the walls. Once you have an inspection by a Santa Monica electrician, you will be given a list of minor or potentially major fixes you can make to make your home a little safer.

Your upgraded electrical doesn’t have to be all about safety standards if your home is already in good electrical shape. It can be something as simple as adding a couple of outlets to a room so you can make it into a home office or gaming area. Maybe you want to change up the lights or add ceiling fans. This can all be handled by your electrician. Santa Monica homeowners will appreciate the promptness and professionalism they will receive when they call The Electric Connection to upgrade their home’s electrical.

Is Your Electric Meter Spinning? Glendale Electrician Provides Energy Savings Tips

electricon4_4-16You know that little meter outside your home that is fairly unattractive and unnoticeable until you hear it making a scary sound. The sound is the little dial spinning around and around. That dial spinning represents your money flying out the door. The dial is measuring the amount of electricity you are using in your house. A spinning meter can be a little scary and you will be dreading the next electric bill. When you think about this summer, it is easy to really get concerned about how much it will cost you to keep your home cool. An electrician in Glendale can help you manage your spinning meter and help keep some of that money in your pocket. The team at The Electric Connection is here to help.

These are 5 ways you can help limit your electricity usage and keep your electric bill down.

1-Make a commitment to set your thermostat at about 74 this summer. That is a comfortable temperature and you can maximize it by using a ceiling fan installed by a Glendale electrician to help stir up a breeze and circulate the cool air.

2-Buy a laundry rack and dry a few things outside on the patio to cut down on how often you use the dryer.

3-Be more conscientious about the amount of hot water you use. Don’t leave the faucet running while you wipe down cupboards or rinse dishes. Shave a few minutes off your shower time as well.

4-Switch out your old bulbs for the much more energy friendly LEDs. These tiny little bulbs use a fraction of the electricity of the standard bulb. You can also use CFLs. In some cases, you will need to have your light fixtures upgraded by an electrician. Glendale homeowners will appreciate the new look an updated fixture brings to a room.

5-Buy new curtains and blinds to use as sun shields this summer. It will help keep your home warmer and save on cooling costs.

Give The Electric Connection a call today to install that new light fixture or ceiling fan so you can start saving money on your electric bill.

Quick and Easy Ways to Lower Your Electric Bill by Pasadena Electrician

electriccon_08_5Your electric bill may not be a problem for you, but wouldn’t it be nice to have a few more dollars in your pocket every month? Imagine if you could save even ten dollars every month. You could set it aside and put towards a fund to buy something that you have been wanting or buy an extra latte. No, it isn’t a lot, but you never know when a little extra cash will come in handy. And, it isn’t just ten bucks. It could end up being much more if you follow these tips presented by your Pasadena electrician. The team at The Electric Connection is here to help you find out how you can save.

*Your biggest energy hog is going to be your air conditioner or furnace in the winter. You don’t have to cook or freeze, but you can turn it up a bit in the summer and down a bit in the winter. Throw on a comfy sweater during the winter so you can keep your furnace setting lower. In the summer, keep the blinds closed and run a ceiling fan to help stay cool without cranking the AC up.

*Lighting is the second biggest use of electricity in your home explains an electrician. Pasadena homeowners can slash their electric bill by turning off lights when not in use. Switching to LEDs is another quick and easy way to save some cash.

*Turning down your water heater a few degrees will also save you a great deal of money. If you are not sure how to do this, call an electrician in Pasadena to take care of it for you. Most people are heating water to a temperature they can’t actually use and end up turning on the cold water to cool it down.

These three quick ways can save you money every month. You will see the savings on your next electric bill. Give The Electric Connection a call if you have any questions or need help taking care of any electrical issues.

Save Money and Save the Planet with an Electrician in Los Angeles

electriccon_06_1Every month we hear more about our failing earth. Whether you buy into all of the theories or not, it isn’t hard to deny the abuse we impose on Mother Earth. We know things are reaching a breaking point. It is time to make some changes before things get so bad, there is no going back. Although it may seem like a daunting task to save the world, you don’t have to look at the big picture. Focus on your little corner. Focus on making a few changes around your house and you can save the planet that way. Every little bit helps. An electrician in Los Angeles has some tips to help you do just that. The team at The Electric Connection wants to help you do what you can by providing electrical services.

Check out some of the ways you can save money while saving the planet.

1-Switch to CFLs. Don’t put it off. Using less electricity will save you money while reducing the demand on natural resources.

2-Look into having your home switched to solar power. There are numerous tax breaks and incentives for homeowners who are willing to make the change. A Los Angeles electrician will hook up the system and you will start saving money on your electric bill in the first month.

3-Make your home heating and air conditioning more efficient by sealing up cracks around your windows and doors. Have a ceiling fan installed by an electrician. Los Angeles homeowners can reduce the demand on their furnaces and air conditioning units with ceiling fan installation.

4-Be conscientious when showering, brushing your teeth or running the washer or dishwasher. Conserve water by taking shorter showers, turning off the water while brushing and only running the washer when it is full.

Be kind to the planet and your wallet. Follow these quick and easy tips. If you need a ceiling fan installed or have questions about solar energy, call The Electric Connection today.