Energy Savings Tips by Electrician in Santa Monica

bigstockphoto_Electrical_Meter_1042644We can always find ways to save a few extra dollars, but sometimes it can be little difficult to pinpoint exactly where those savings are to be had. You may look at the budget over and over and still keep coming up with the same bottom line. An electrician in Santa Monica can help you discover a few ways you could cut your electric bill without dramatically changing your lifestyle. If you ever have any questions or concerns about these tips, you can call The Electric Connection to ask more questions.

1-Get rid of any of those remaining incandescent light bulbs. They are costing you money. You can shave 20 percent off your electric bill simply by relying on CFL and LED bulbs that are much more energy efficient. They tend to be a bit brighter as well.

2-Have a ceiling fan installed in a central room of your house. This will help circulate hot and cold air produced by your furnace or air conditioner. Ceiling fans run on a fraction of the electricity of a heating or air conditioning unit. It is a good idea to have the fan installed by someone familiar with Santa Monica electrical codes.

3-Ask every member of the household to shave off 2 minutes from their average shower time. This can save a lot of money on your electric bill by reducing the demand put on the hot water heater. You could also turn down the thermostat of the water heater by about 5 to 10 degrees and save even more money.

4-Unplug any appliances, computers and electronics when they are not in use. When you leave for the day or go to bed at night, unplugging your electronics can save you money on wasted phantom power.

Give The Electric Connection a call today to have your ceiling fan installed or to learn more about energy savings.

5 Quick Tips to Save on Electric Bill by Pasadena Electrician

It is that time again—electric bills are on the rise. You can chalk this up to a number of different causes, but the fact is, electricity is getting more expensive. You can’t do much about controlling the rates, but you can do your part to reduce how much electricity you use and ultimately reduce your monthly electric bill. A Pasadena electrician wants to help you do just that and has some tips for you to implement in your home so you can save a few extra dollars. The team at The Electric Connection can answer any questions you may have about electric savings.

1-It is important you make a real effort to turn off lights and electronics whenever they are not in use. Turning off the appliances is not always enough. You need to unplug your electronics as well to reduce phantom power.

2-Take the time to replace any of your old incandescent light bulbs with the newer, much more energy-efficient CFLs. This can ultimately save you a quick $20 or thereabouts on your monthly electric bill. Don’t put off replacing those old bulbs.

3-Switch your dishwasher setting to air dry. Only wash full loads to conserve energy.

4-Air dry your clothes whenever possible to cut down on your electric bill. Only wash full loads of clothes and if you must use your dryer, only dry full loads.

5-Consider having a ceiling fan installed by an electrician. Pasadena homeowners can take advantage of the cost savings ceiling fans provide on both the heating and cooling bills of a home. Fans can be placed throughout the home to circulate air while keeping the home at a comfortable temperature.

This is just a very small sampling of the energy savings tips you can put to use for you. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your ceiling fan installation.

Landscape Lighting Addressed by Glendale Electrician

Doing your own yard work is a rewarding experience. While there is always the option of hiring a landscape company to take care of your lawn needs, it is often a job many homeowners would like to take on themselves. It is an excellent way to get some exercise while working with your hands. One of the biggest motivators to taking care of your own yard work is the cost savings. The money you save by taking care of your own landscaping needs gives you more money to put back into the landscaping. Landscaping is not complete without adequate lighting. Although you may want to do all the work yourself, landscape lighting is one job you will want to hire a Glendale electrician to take care of. The team at The Electric Connection is here to help you.

Many homeowners who tackle their landscaping needs on their own will usually opt to install solar lights. These lights are quick and easy to install and require very little effort. They can be placed anywhere in the landscaping, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they will work effectively. Solar lights need at least 8 hours of sunlight to recharge. If the lights are placed under trees or thick shrubs that get very little sun, the solar lights will not recharge and will not light up when darkness falls.

Electric landscape lights require a little more effort to install, but they will remain lit throughout the night whether the sun shone on the lights or not. Because the lights will require electrical wire, you will want to hire an electrician. Glendale residents will appreciate the reliability of electric landscaping lights. Your electrician will wire the lights into the home’s electric panel. You can opt to have a timer installed for the lights or a manual switch for you to control when the lights are turned off and on. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your landscape lighting installation.

Fighting Back Against Phantom Power by Pasadena Electrician

You have probably heard it time and again; we need to reduce the demand on our natural resources. We also know we should be saving a little more for our retirement, but it seems like there is no way around the basic monthly bills. No matter what you do, it may seem like you are still breaking even. You shut off lights and walk to work once a week, but the electric bill stays the same and your gas bill is the same. That is likely due to rising rates. Imagine if you didn’t make an effort to reduce your monthly bills? You would be paying more! Your Pasadena electrician is here to encourage you to learn about phantom power and to do your best to fight back against it. You can always call The Electric Connection if you have questions.

Phantom power is a very real thing! You can put a few extra dollars in your pocket every month by fighting back against this electricity sucking phenomena, but it will require your whole house to be on board. According to the Lawrence Berkley National Library, every home has about 40 appliances in the home that remain plugged in around the clock. The appliances may rarely be used, but we keep them plugged in because it is convenient. This is costing us money. In fact, it is estimated phantom power accounts for about 10 percent of an electricity bill. So, assuming your electric bill is $100 every month, $10 of that is all for naught. For the blinking light on the DVD player you haven’t used in a month or the cell phone charger that stays plugged in all day and night whether your phone is attached or not.

If you are not completely sure what phantom power is or have more questions about it, call your electrician. Pasadena residents can count on the team at The Electric Connection to provide the answers to your electric questions.

What’s the Fuss About CFLs? Los Angeles Electrician Explains

You have seen the news and have heard about the government’s move to make those cheap light bulbs a thing of the past. You are probably wondering why this is necessary and what is all the fuss about these CFLs you have seen in place of those other incandescent bulbs? Your Los Angeles electrician is here to explain why this is one trend you want to be a part of. The team at The Electric Connection can help you make the transition from the outdated bulbs to the new, more energy efficient CFLs.

One of the major complaints about the CFLs is the expense. Yes, they are more expensive. You can expect to pay anywhere from $3 to $5 for a single bulb. Before you let that deter you from jumping aboard the CFL bandwagon, read on. You have probably noticed the bulbs are sold in singles more often than the 4-pack we have become accustomed to buying. When you start using CFLs, you will understand why. The bulbs last 10 times longer than one of the incandescent bulbs. That means instead of changing a bulb every couple of months, you will go a year or more in between bulb changes.

The initial expense is also not so bad when you factor in the savings on your electric bill every month. Assuming $20 of every $100 of your electric bill is for lighting alone, you could save about $15 each month on lighting costs. CFLs use 75 percent electricity than the almost obsolete incandescent bulbs. This also translates to a reduction on energy, which is always a bonus for the environment. If you have an outdate fixture that does not work with CFLs, call an electrician. Los Angeles homeowners can update the lighting in their home and ultimately save money. Give The Electric Connection a call today and start saving money on your monthly electric bill.

LED Light Strips Transform Your Home by Electrician in Santa Monica

As you explore different lighting options for your kitchen, you may want to check out LED light strips. You can have the strips installed virtually anywhere. If you have ever seen LED lighting, you know it is very bright. Amazingly, the bulbs are super small and extremely energy efficient. If you are looking for a solution to your lighting troubles under the counters in your kitchen, around the vanity in the bathroom or even an adequate reading light in your bedroom, consider having an electrician in Santa Monica help you with the installation of one of these affordable LED light strips. At The Electric Connection, you will find knowledgeable staff who are willing to help you take care of the little electrical jobs around the house.

The light strips can be bought at your local home improvement store in various sizes. They are sold in strips that allow you to cut the strips into the desired length for placement under your kitchen counters or over your headboard. Because there is some electrical work involved, you will want to have the installation completed by an electrician. Santa Monica homeowners will be amazed to discover how bright just a single light can be. They can transform a dark area, like your closet, into a bright, inviting space with just the flick of a switch.

Now, you are probably thinking LED lights are great for some things, but it can be a little overwhelming at times. There is an answer to that. Your electrician can equip the light strip with a dimmer switch. This allows you to enjoy the best of both worlds. The best part about LEDs is the energy savings. They use just a mere 36 watts. If you are ready to transform your dark closet or under counter space, give The Electric Connection a call today.

6 Simple Energy Savings Tips by Electrician in Glendale

Doesn’t it always feel like no matter how well you budget and save, you are always looking in your bank account for just a few extra dollars? Maybe you have already buttoned down your spending and can’t really find any other places in the budget where you can cut back. An electrician in Glendale is here to provide you with some tips that can help lighten the burden of your electric bill. We all know every little bit helps. You can always count on The Electric Connection to answer any questions you may have about energy savings.

1-If you haven’t already done it, get rid of those incandescent light bulbs and replace them with CFLs. You could easily save $15 to $20 a month (possibly more) on lighting costs.

2-Turn down your water heater a couple of degrees. There is really no reason to have scalding hot water coming out of the tap. You can save a few dollars by not making your water heater work overtime heating water to a temperature you will not be able to use it at.

3-Have a ceiling fan installed by an electrician. Glendale homeowners will soon realize the energy savings the fans provide in the winter and the summer.

4-Invest in heavy curtains to block out the heat of the sun in the summer and the cold draft in the winter. This will help cut down on your heating and cooling costs.

5-Skip the drying cycle on the dishwasher and let the dishes air dry or use a towel to dry them by hand.

6-Consider using a clothesline in the summer to dry your laundry. You can also use a drying rack inside the home to cut down on the need for the dryer.

These are just a few things you can do to help reduce your electricity bill. There are plenty of other ways you can save. Give The Electric Connection a call today to learn more.

3 Tips to Save Money on Heating Costs Provided by Pasadena Electrician

After going so long without using the heater, it can cause quite a bit of a surprise when you get that first electric bill this winter. There are some things you can do to lessen the burden of winter heating bills. Your Pasadena electrician has some tips you can use to keep the electric bill at a manageable rate. For more tips and advice, you can call The Electric Connection.

1-One of the most important issues that many people tend to overlook with their furnace is the upkeep and maintenance. It is crucial your furnace is in good working order. Clean filters and ducts will ensure your furnace is not working overtime to try and keep the house warm.

2-Use a ceiling fan to help keep the warm air in the living space instead of close to the ceiling. Hot air rises and without a fan to push it down, you are wasting a lot of money heating the ceiling. If you don’t have one, you can call an electrician. Pasadena residents will feel the difference a ceiling fan can make when the warm air circulates the room rather than hovering near the top.

3-Use a programmable thermostat to regulate the heat in your home throughout the day. Set if for one temperature, 72 degrees is typically adequate for the home. Do not go above 76. At night, you can get away with lowering the thermostat a couple of degrees because you will be under blankets. Set the thermostat to about 68 degrees when you are going to be gone for the day. Avoid turning the thermostat up and down throughout the day. These three things can save you a great deal of money this winter.

You won’t be forced to freeze in your own home because you are trying to save a few dollars if you follow these tips. For more information, give The Electric Connection a call.

Ease the Electricity Burden with Santa Monica Electrician

Your electric bill may be completely manageable and affordable. However, wouldn’t you like to learn how to save a few extra dollars every month and do something good for the world at the same time? Just because you can afford your current electric bill, doesn’t mean you can’t make adjustments around your home that will reduce the amount of electricity you use. A Santa Monica electrician is here to tell you about a few things you can do around your house to reduce the amount of electricity you use. The folks at The Electric Connection would love to share their knowledge with you.

Of course you know about turning off the lights when you are not in the room and turning off appliances when you don’t need them, but there are even more things you can do that will certainly add up to big savings for you and less burden on the power grid. It is no secret, our booming population has put a serious burden on our current power grids and blackouts from time to time during peak usage times are not uncommon.

You can lessen your impact by changing out your old, energy hot incandescent light bulbs to the more energy-efficient CFLs or LEDs. The CFLs are the spiral shaped lights that can easily be exchanged in your existing light fixtures. If you have a light fixture that will not accommodate one of these environmentally friendly options, talk with your electrician. Santa Monica residents can update their home lighting by replacing old fixtures with new, more modern and energy efficient fixtures.

Placing LED lights under your kitchen counters gives you plenty of light to see what you are doing and is extremely inexpensive to use and the fixtures are relatively cheap as well. If you are interested in doing your part to make the world a better place, give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your light fixture upgrade.

Phantom Power Real or Science Fiction? Burbank Electrician Explains

It may sound like science fiction, but phantom power is very real and it is costing you real money. It isn’t a lot of money, but when you add it up, it can be more than a hundred dollars a year. And let’s face it, every dollar in your pocket helps. Learning how to stop that phantom from stealing your power is easy and your Burbank electrician is here to give you the power you need. Okay, really it is just knowledge, but knowledge is power and The Electric Connection wants to help you keep your hard earned cash in your pocket.

Phantom power is the electricity that is being pulled from anything and everything you have plugged in, whether it is on or not. Just because you are not using your coffee maker does not mean it is not drawing a current. This goes for your cell phone charger as well. Even if you are not charging your phone or laptop, the charger is pulling electricity and running up your bill. One charger or small appliance isn’t going to cost you a lot of money, but take a walk around your house and look at everything that is currently plugged in.

Make a list of things that can be unplugged when not in use. You will see the savings on your electric bill almost immediately. Obviously, it doesn’t make sense to pull out furniture everyday to get to some items, but just focus on the cords that are easily unplugged. If you want more energy savings tips, contact your local electrician. Burbank homeowners may find it is easier to plug several items like your television, DVD player and stereo all into one powerstrip. This makes it easy to turn it off and on without unplugging numerous devices. Give The Electric Connection a call today to find out more.