Lighting 101 by Electrician in Santa Monica

If you are redesigning a room in your house, it is important you look beyond the paint color on the walls and the type of flooring in the room. You need to take a long, hard look at the lighting. It isn’t just about replacing tired, old fixtures. It is about making a room pop with the just right amount and right style of lighting. There is no one size fits all when it comes to lighting. Each space requires something a little different explains and electrician. Santa Monica homeowners who are ready to revamp their space with a new lighting look will want to call The Electric Connection to take care of the lighting transformation.

One of the most important considerations for changing up the lighting in the room is determining what the area is going to be used for. This will decide how much and what kind of light you need to make it gorgeous and functional. Using fixtures that match the décor is also an important deciding factor.

Entryways and hallways that have little to no natural light will benefit from lighting directed at the walls and ceilings. Recessed lighting with medium brightness is perfect for these areas says a Santa Monica electrician. Kitchens deserve all the lighting you can put into the space. Bright LEDS on a track lighting system are a perfect choice. You can add some pizazz by installing pendant lights over a center island.

Living rooms are typically best served with a medium to low light scheme. Use table lamps for areas where you need additional light for reading or other focused tasks. Ceiling fans with adjustable lighting are a good choice in this area suggests an electrician in Santa Monica. Have some fun picking out fixtures and then give The Electric Connection a call to have them installed.

LED Lighting by Pasadena Electrician

Natural lighting is typically the lighting of choice in any room. Unfortunately, it isn’t always possible to have enough windows in a space to provide the natural light you need to make a room look bright and airy. Adding more light fixtures helps, but it can’t quite take the place of natural light. Most lightbulbs cast tinted colors in a room, depending on what kind you are using. An electrician in Pasadena suggests you try using LED bulbs to achieve the right amount of lighting. The team at The Electric Connection can take care of any new lighting fixture installations you may need to accommodate the bulbs.

LEDs, unlike the other energy efficient lighting choice, the CFL bulb, are a clear, bright light that is as close to natural light as you can get. Incandescent bulbs tend to cast a yellowish color while the CFL can cast blue hues. Now, you can buy daylight bulbs, but they are not going to be as bright as the LEDs. LEDs are extremely bright and clear says a Pasadena electrician.

One of the biggest benefits to going with the LED lights is the energy savings. This particular lighting choice only uses a fraction of the electricity that the other lighting options use. You get more light with about eighty percent less energy. Another benefit, is the LED lights are cooler, which is especially beneficial in the warm summer months. You can have your lights on and not worry about the light producing heat and making your AC work harder explains an electrician. Pasadena homeowners can expect to pay more at the store for the LED bulbs, but they last nearly twenty-five times longer. That means you will be buying less bulbs in the long run and making up for the cost. If you have any questions or would like new light fixtures installed, give The Electric Connection a call today.

Lighting Tips by Electrician in Glendale

Does your home need something different, but you just can’t quite put your finger on it? Maybe you want to give it a facelift or make it feel more inviting. Seeing the same thing day in and day out can get a little old and boring. Your electrician in Glendale has a few tips that may inspire you to switch up the lighting in a room to achieve a fresh, new look. The team at The Electric Connection can take care of the installation once you have chosen your new fixtures.

1. Have a Glendale electrician add dimmer switches to give you more control over the amount of light in the room. You can go from bright and cheery to dim and romantic with the slide of a switch.
2. Pendant lights are a great way to decorate a room while adding light. The pendants come in a wide variety of styles and colors. You can add a little flare to a space with the right pendant. These are great choices over a kitchen island, a reading area or even a mantle. The heights are adjustable which makes them very versatile.
3. Adding undercabinet lighting is an excellent way to bring in focused light that doesn’t crowd a room. Small LED strips mount under a cabinet and are completely out of the way.
4. Focus on your entryway lighting says an electrician. Glendale homeowners will be surprised at the difference this makes. You can go bold with a beautiful chandelier that sets the tone for the entire home.
5. Use chandeliers to create focal points in a room. Chandeliers are not just for the dining room. You can add them to a master suite or a sitting room. The light fixture becomes a functional centerpiece.
Lighting a home doesn’t have to be boring or run-of-the-mill. Have some fun picking out the right fixtures for your home and then call The Electric Connection for the installation.

Can Lighting Explained by Santa Monica Electrician

There are always going to be trends in home building. One of the hottest trends that has been around for a while and doesn’t seem to be losing any popularity is the installation of can lighting throughout the entire home. Can lighting, also referred to as recessed lighting, has many benefits. If you are unsure what the lighting is or would like to learn more about it, a Santa Monica electrician is here to explain. The team at The Electric Connection can answer any additional questions you may have on the subject.

Can lighting gets its name from the can-shaped housing unit that slides into the ceiling. The housing is completely hidden within the ceiling. The only thing a person sees in the room is a trim piece that is flush against the ceiling. The bulb is inside the ceiling, which means you lose no headspace. This can make a room appear much larger explains an electrician in Santa Monica. Unlike standard light fixtures that only provide light in the center of the room and take up about six inches of head space, the can lights can be placed throughout the room. You can also use the more energy-efficient CFL or LED bulbs in the fixtures.

You can choose to have the lights directed at a wall to highlight a particular piece of art or aimed directly into the room. Another bonus with this type of lighting is you can choose how much lighting you want in a particular space. Can lighting is safe to use in bathrooms as well explains an electrician. Santa Monica homeowners who like the control over how much light is emitted can have a dimmer switch installed as well. There are many reasons why recessed lighting has become so popular. If you would like to upgrade your old lighting to this style, give The Electric Connection a call today.

Choosing the Best Lighting with Los Angeles Electrician

If you have recently acquired a commercial property, one of the first things you will want to address is the lighting in the place. There are many different lighting types based on what you need and what the property is going to be used for. There is no one-size-fits all when it comes to lighting. You have plenty of options and in many cases, updating the lighting can save you money on the electricity bill. An electrician in Los Angeles, like those at The Electric Connection, can help you decide what is right for your new property.
Gone are the days when you were stuck with plain, often garish fluorescent lighting that can be rough on the eyes and even rougher on the way a room looks. Nowadays, we are lucky to have daylight tubes that can replace the old fluorescent lights. Those fixtures are best in an office space or area where bright lighting is needed and natural light is not an option explains a Los Angeles electrician.
Having directed light via a track lighting system is a great option for small areas that need more light in certain places, like over a workstation. This gives you the freedom to not only direct the light, but to choose the wattage of the bulb as well. Track lighting isn’t just for the kitchen! Another lighting option that is regularly seen in homes, especially new construction, is recessed lighting. This is an excellent choice for keeping the ceilings clear of any hanging light fixtures. It makes a room feel bigger and once again, you have control of how much light. Some options include being able to direct the light against a wall or into a room explains an electrician. Los Angeles property owners can take a look at the different lighting options and then give The Electric Connection a call to schedule their lighting renovation.

Beautiful Outdoor Lighting by Burbank Electrician

It may be hard to think about sitting outside right now and your landscape lighting may be the farthest thing from your mind, but this is a great time to consider revamping your current outdoor lighting. With fewer chores to do outside, you can spend some time focusing on the coming spring and what you would like to do with your yard. One improvement that can make a huge difference is the installation of new outdoor lighting by an electrician in Burbank. The team at The Electric Connection would love to help you get your landscaping ready for spring.

There are many ways you can enhance your outdoors with lighting. Adding lights to fenceposts is a great way to light areas that would normally be in the dark. This can provide additional safety and security in those areas. Adding motion-sensing security lights to the backyard, driveway and any other areas that hold high-value items is another excellent way to make your home a little safer says an electrician. Burbank homeowners can have the lights professionally installed to ensure it is done right and is safe. In many situations, it will be necessary for a new breaker to be installed in the breaker box to run the new outdoor lighting.

Another lighting option that you may want to consider are spotlights. The spotlights can be directed at ornamental bushes, a flagpole or a water feature in the landscaping. This transforms your entire yard into a thing of beauty while adding a layer of safety. You can have some fun with the lighting as well. Adding twinkle lights or colored lights that dance over water features are another option you can discuss with your Burbank electrician. Spend some time finding what works best for you and then call The Electric Connection and schedule your new outdoor lighting installation, so you are ready for spring.

Holiday Lighting 101 by Santa Monica Electrician

Tis the season to deck the halls, the lawn and anywhere else you can add a little holiday cheer in the brightest of ways. Bright lights, tall air-filled front lawn decorations and moving figures can really make a lovely show and propel your house to the top of the best decorated list. However, all of those awesome decorations require electricity. Your Santa Monica electrician wants you to be safe and have fun this holiday season and has a few rules when it comes to decorating. The team at The Electric Connection can answer any additional questions you may have.

1. If possible, use LED light strands. They are cooler, use a fraction of the electricity and you will really love how bright the LEDs are. You get more bang for your buck.
2. Never connect more than three strands together. You will end up with flickering lights or half strands in the middle of the string that don’t light up explains an electrician in Santa Monica.
3. Use the right extension cord for the job. Only use cords made for use outside in the lawn. Consider using one of the power strips made for the outdoors to run several lights and decorations.
4. If you are finding outdoor electric outlets to be in short supply, call an electrician. Santa Monica homeowners can have more outdoor outlets installed around their lawn to make decorating a breeze and limit the amount of extension cords needed.
5. Consider putting your holiday lights and other décor on a timer. This ensures everything comes on at the right time and doesn’t inadvertently get left of all day or night.

Have a safe and fun holiday while making your house the best decorated on the block. Give The Electric Connection a call if you need some additional outlets to make your decorating task a little easier and safer.

Replacing Old, Tired Light Fixtures with Glendale Electrician

Out with the old and in with the new can make a big difference in the way a room looks. Every decade or so, there are new trends in home decorating and construction. Those new trends are appealing to potential buyers and for those who don’t plan on selling, but like the latest trends, you can enjoy them too with the help of a Glendale electrician. One of the trends that tends to change often is lighting. You don’t have to completely remodel your home to stay with the times. You can call The Electric Connection and have new light fixtures installed that make your home look and feel more modern.

There are some other advantages to upgrading your old light fixtures as well explains an electrician. Glendale homeowners that want to use the more energy efficient bulbs on the market may need to have a new fixture installed to accommodate the bulbs. Those LEDs that are very popular right now don’t always work in the older fixtures. CFLs may also be too long or too wide to fit into an existing fixture. If you haven’t been into the lighting department lately, take a trip and discover all of the new styles. You will be amazed.

When you choose to update the old fixtures with newer, more energy efficient light fixtures, you are also getting the peace of mind knowing the electrical wiring is safe and up to code. When your Glendale electrician is taking care of the removal of the old fixture and the installation of the new, the electrician will get a peek at what’s happening behind the walls and in the ceiling. This can tell you the condition of the wiring and whether you need to consider having other outlets, switches and fixtures replaced. Give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your new lighting installation.

Extension Cord Safety Tips by Burbank Electrician

This is the time of year we tend to pull out the extension cords in order to get ready for all of our holiday lighting needs. It is fun to decorate and to compete with the neighbors for the brightest house on the block, but it can be risky if you are not careful. These are a few tips provided by an electrician in Burbank that can help keep your home safe this holiday season as you light it up. If you have concerns, you can always call the team at The Electric Connection to ask for an electric inspection.

1. Do not run extension cords across your driveway where it will be ran over.
2. Only use the round outdoor cords outside. The flat cords are not properly insulated and cannot handle the outdoor weather.
3. If you find you are having to leave windows open a crack to plug in the cords, consider have new outdoor electrical outlets installed by an electrician. Burbank homeowners will appreciate how much easier it is to decorate with outlets readily available.
4. Always unplug the extension cords when they are not in use. Do not leave them plugged in and “live” with nothing plugged in to the cord.
5. Do not string more than one extension cord together. If one isn’t long enough, buy one that is.
6. Do not overload an extension cord by plugging in more than three strands of lights connected together.
7. For indoor cords, make sure the cords are not in a busy walk area. Never run them under rugs explains a Burbank electrician.
8. Do not use a cord that has visible signs of damage. Electrical tape around a frayed cord is not safe. Discard the cord and buy a new one.

Have fun and be safe decorating your home this season. Give The Electric Connection a call if you need more outlets or have electric safety concerns.

Bold Lighting Schemes by Burbank Electrician

We all have a unique style. Some people loathe being part of the mold. They want to be different and step outside of the box. This applies to the way they dress and the way they decorate their personal spaces. When you own your own home, it is all about expressing yourself with your favorite color pallets, artwork and even furnishings. Another way you can help bring your personality and style into your home is by choosing some bold, innovative lighting schemes with the help of your Burbank electrician. The team at The Electric Connection is here to help you make your personal style stand out.

You are no longer relegated to the standard light fixture in the center of a room or forced to rely on colored bulbs or quirky lamps to express your style. An electrician in Burbank can help bring out your personal style with a variety of installed light fixtures that are functional and bold or classic and elegant. It is all up to you. You can have several lights or a single one. That’s part of the joy of designing your space—you have all the power. You can choose how bright, how dark and how funky your lighting scheme is.

Once you have come up with what you want, you need to call your electrician. Burbank homeowners will need to trust the expert when it comes to the wiring and installation of each of the fixtures. You can ask for dimmer switches to be installed or a wallplate with several light switches that give you the freedom to control the lights from one place in the room. The possibilities are endless. Do some shopping around and find the fixtures that call to you. Then, give The Electric Connection a call today and schedule your new lighting installation.