Extension Cord Safety Tips by Burbank Electrician

This is the time of year we tend to pull out the extension cords in order to get ready for all of our holiday lighting needs. It is fun to decorate and to compete with the neighbors for the brightest house on the block, but it can be risky if you are not careful. These are a few tips provided by an electrician in Burbank that can help keep your home safe this holiday season as you light it up. If you have concerns, you can always call the team at The Electric Connection to ask for an electric inspection.

1. Do not run extension cords across your driveway where it will be ran over.
2. Only use the round outdoor cords outside. The flat cords are not properly insulated and cannot handle the outdoor weather.
3. If you find you are having to leave windows open a crack to plug in the cords, consider have new outdoor electrical outlets installed by an electrician. Burbank homeowners will appreciate how much easier it is to decorate with outlets readily available.
4. Always unplug the extension cords when they are not in use. Do not leave them plugged in and “live” with nothing plugged in to the cord.
5. Do not string more than one extension cord together. If one isn’t long enough, buy one that is.
6. Do not overload an extension cord by plugging in more than three strands of lights connected together.
7. For indoor cords, make sure the cords are not in a busy walk area. Never run them under rugs explains a Burbank electrician.
8. Do not use a cord that has visible signs of damage. Electrical tape around a frayed cord is not safe. Discard the cord and buy a new one.

Have fun and be safe decorating your home this season. Give The Electric Connection a call if you need more outlets or have electric safety concerns.

Home Fire Prevention Tips by Los Angeles Electrician

We know we should change the batteries in our smoke detectors when we ‘fall back’ in early November, but there are other things you can do to make your home a little safer by preventing a fire in your home. Some of those things require the help of an electrician in Los Angeles while others can be done on your own. The team at The Electric Connection has some tips for you to make your home a little safer.

1. A working smoke alarm in each room is an excellent idea. The bare minimum should be a smoke alarm on each floor. Consider having a Los Angeles electrician install hard-wired smoke detectors that rely on your home’s power instead of a battery.
2. Keep a working fire extinguisher in the house, preferably near the kitchen where a fire is more likely to occur.
3. Do not leave any pots or pans unattended on the stove.
4. Wipe up any grease spills and keep your stove and oven clean to keep a fire from starting while you are cooking.
5. Pay attention to the outlets in your home. If you notice any black marks, smoking or a burning smell call an electrician. Los Angeles homeowners can prevent electrical fires by being aware.
6. Keep the dryer lint vent clean. Clean behind the dryer as well. Lint is extremely flammable and can quickly ignite with a little heat and a minimal spark.
7. Do not use a space heater if there is not adequate space. A good three feet away from furniture and the wall is ideal.
8. Do not overload the circuits in your home by plugging in multiple devices and appliances.

If you have concerns about the electrical in your home, call The Electric Connection today and ask to have a safety inspection to identify any potential problems.

Managing Your Electricity by Burbank Electrician

When something is readily available and seems like it will never run out, we tend to overuse. This is the case with the electricity in our homes. We feel confident knowing we can flip a light switch and have light or turn on the coffee maker and it will work. Rarely is their a need to give a second thought to what we have plugged in in our homes. Electricity is endless—for the most part. However, every little bit we use, whether we need it or not, is costing us. What if you could be a little more mindful and manage your electricity a little better with these tips from an electrician in Burbank, like those at The Electric Connection.

It doesn’t take a lot of effort to reduce the amount of electricity you use on a daily basis explains an electrician. Burbank residents can save a few dollars up to much more by following these quick and easy suggestions.

1. Unplug your cell phone, laptop and tablet chargers when they are not in use. If you can, unplug the toaster and other appliances when they are not in use. Anything that is plugged in will draw a small current of electricity. When you look around your home, you will see that adds up fast.
2. Do what you can to take shorter showers. Even cutting your average shower by a couple of minutes every day adds up to an average of fifteen minutes for the week. Again, the less hot water you use, the less your hot water heater has to work to replace the hot water.
3. Switch out those old bulbs in each of your light fixtures with LED bulbs says a Burbank electrician. This is a quick and easy bill to cut the amount of electricity you use to light your home in half—maybe more.
4. Only run your dryer when it is full. This also goes for the washing machine and dishwasher. Wait another day and do one full load versus two half loads. Quick easy and huge energy saver.

If you would like to learn more about energy efficiency and how an electrician can help you make those changes in your home, call The Electric Connection.

Do You Have Enough Light? Beverly Hills Electrician Answers

Are you tired of feeling like you are living in a cave? Or maybe your home seems to be overly bright to the point you have to close the curtains or leave the lights off to save your eyes. How do you know when you have enough light? An electrician in Beverly Hills has a few tips to help you determine how much light should be in a room based on what that room is used for. Certain areas, like the kitchen or bathroom, are going to need more light while other rooms are best with lower light. The team at The Electric Connection can help you take care of adjusting the amount of light in your room once you have decided what you need.

There are a few terms you need to know before we get started. Foot candle is the brightness of a bulb one foot away from the source. Lumens is going to be the number of foot candles multiplied by the square footage of the room. It’s easier than it sounds explain a Beverly Hills electrician.

*Bedrooms typically need about 10 to 20 foot candles
*A kitchen needs anywhere from 30 to 80 depending on how much light to prefer.
*A hallway only needs about 10 foot candles
*A living room does best with 10 to 20 foot candles

Now that you know what you need for each space, multiply your needed foot candles per room by the square footage of that room. For example, your living room needs 20 foot candles and it is 200 squre feet, you would need 4000 lumens. Check the lumens on a particular bulb and you will know if you need more light fixtures. You can add a lamp, track lighting or some recessed lighting to get the light you need by calling your electrician. Beverly Hills homeowners can call The Electric Connection to have more light fixtures installed.

Why We Love Recessed Lighting by Pasadena Electrician

Recessed lighting has been a trend in new home construction for the past decade or more. It only seems to be getting more popular with home renovations as more people discover the benefits to the sleek lighting system. People may also be unaware of some of the variations of recessed lighting that are available. It really is a great way to light up your entire home. Your Pasadena electrician has a few points for you to consider as you think about updating the lighting in your home. The team at The Electric Connection can answer any other calls you may have about installing recessed lighting throughout your home or in a single room.

1. The reflective can that surrounds the actual lamp helps direct the light, making it appear much brighter. Instead of light flooding the area, it is directed in one space. A single bulb in a recessed lighting can looks significantly brighter than a traditional fixture.
2. There are different sizes of cans, which means you can tailor the size of the fixture to your needs.
3. You can choose from a variety of trims to match your décor explains an electrician. Pasadena homeowners can choose a reflective trip or ring around the light or go with one in a particular color. This is one way to make a room unique and showcasing your personal style.
4. Most recessed lighting fixtures are compatible with LED bulbs. This a great way to save electricity and take advantage of the brighter, cleaner light of an LED.
5. You can choose an “eyeball” trip, which allows you to direct the light in a particular direction. This is especially handy in living rooms and dens when you don’t want a light shooting directly on you. This style is perfect for highlighting artwork in a room.

Your electrician in Pasadena can help you pick the right light for your needs by offering some tips. Once you are ready to update your lighting, give The Electric Connection a call to have it installed.

Electric Safety for Outdoor Projects by Glendale Electrician

Summer is the time of year when you want to be outdoors doing something. It is a great time to make your outdoor living space a little better or maybe to build a space. Fixing the deck, taking care of loose fence panels or maybe building the kids that playhouse they wanted are all great ways to spend a couple of days off. Using power tools to complete those jobs makes it a little easier and faster. However, your Glendale electrician wants you to always be safe when working outdoors with electricity. The team at The Electric Connection has a few tips to ensure you stay safe while working on your outdoor projects.

1. Only use an extension cord that is rated for use outside. These will generally be orange, round and have a 3-prong outlet. The cord should be in good condition with no frayed or exposed wires.
2. Don’t use power tools if it is raining out or the ground is wet.
3. Do not string more than one extension cord together says an electrician in Glendale. You will lose a little electricity and risk damaging your power tools by trying to use a low current.
4. Make sure your outdoor outlets are protected from the weather. The outlets should also have ground fault circuit interrupters. If they don’t call an electrician. Glendale homeowners can have new, safer outlets installed that will protect them from an electric shock.
5. Pay attention to your surroundings. If there are powerlines over head, be extremely careful when moving ladders or carrying tools that may come into contact with the lines. If you are going to do any digging, call your electric company to have a quick inspection for any buried cables.

Outdoor projects are a fun way to spend your summer days. Don’t let a project turn into a safety nightmare. If you have any questions or need those outlets installed, give The Electric Connection a call today.

How to Be Greener by Beverly Hills Electrician

beverly hills electricianIt is hard to miss the condition of our planet and the fact that resources are being depleted at a rapid rate. Even if you are not convinced the earth is headed for destruction, you have to feel the pinch in your wallet at the rising cost of certain necessities like electricity and water. These resources are being stretched thin. If you have ever heard of the green movement or noticed business and products touting they are going green, you may be intrigued. If you would like to get on board the green movement, there are a few small things you can do to contribute. Your electrician in Beverly Hills has a few tips that will help you go green while saving money on your electric bill.

  1. Get rid of those old and outdated incandescent light bulbs. Go with LED when you can. LEDs will last much longer and only use a fraction of the electricity of the old bulbs.

  2. Take shorter showers. Shaving off even a few minutes from your hot shower can reduce the amount of hot water you use by several gallons explains a Beverly Hills electrician.

  3. Use a ceiling fan, especially in the summer, to circulate air through your home. This will reduce the demand on your air conditioner, which will save you money by using less energy. If you don’t have one or could use more fans installed throughout the house, call an electrician. Beverly Hills homeowners will appreciate the cool breeze a fan brings.

  4. Stop washing small loads of laundry and half full loads in the dishwasher. Wait until you can do full loads to save water and electricity.

  5. Turn off the drying cycle on your dishwasher. The dishes will air dry. Use a towel if there are any spots of water left.

Going green doesn’t mean you have to use solar energy or walk to work. Every little bit helps. Give The Electric Connection a call today if you need a new ceiling fan installed.

Preparing for Thunderstorms by Electrician in Santa Monica

electrician santa monicaA thunderstorm is an exciting occurrence and people tend to flock to the windows or their covered patios to watch nature show off a bit. The roll of the thunder and the flash of the lightening is exciting and makes for some pretty spectacular pictures if you can catch one. While a thunderstorm is something many people look to with a great deal of anticipation, it is important you take some safety precautions as well. Your electrician in Santa Monica has a few tips to help keep you safe as well as your home. The team at The Electric Connection is here to help as well.

1-Thunderstorms can cause electrical damage to the sensitive electronics in your home. The power surges and electricity that turns off and on can damage computers and the compressors in your refrigerator. It is a good idea to plug your computers and entertainment devices into powerstrips that offer some surge protection.

2-To protect your entire home from those surges, you can invest in a whole-house surge protection system installed by an electrician. Santa Monica homeowners can ensure anything in their home that is plugged in is protected from a power surge.

3-If you don’t have a surge protector, unplug everything you can when you know a thunderstorm is headed your way. This can protect those appliances and devices.

4-Stay away from tall trees, utility poles and other metal poles if you are caught outside.

5-Do not do the dishes or jump in the shower during a thunderstorm, the pipes can conduct electricity.

6-It is safest if you stay inside your home and away from the windows during a thunderstorm.

Thunderstorms are beautiful, but it is important you stay safe. If you would like a Santa Monica electrician to install a whole house surge protector, give The Electric Connection a call today.

DIY Projects Electrical Safety Tips by Beverly Hills Electrician

Spring and summer is the time of year we like to work around the house outside on the weekends. There are so many projects that we want to accomplish, we can tend to get a little rushed. When you are rushed, you overlook important safety precautions. DIY is a growing trend as people across the country new ways to recycle old stuff and make something new, useful and very cool. Take the pallet trend that is sweeping the nation. In order to make those awesome pallet signs and outdoor furniture, you need some tools. Before you pull out any power tool, your electrician in Beverly Hills has a few safety tips that will not only keep you safe, but ensure your project is a success with no injuries. The team at The Electric Connection can answer any questions you may have related to these tips.

1. Power tools tend to have short cords. If you must use an extension cord, use one that is appropriate for outdoor use. Do not connect more than one cord together. The cord should not be longer than 100 feet.
2. Plug any cords into GFCI outlets. This will ensure the electrical current will be cut off should anything interrupt the circuit. If you don’t currently have these outlets in your garage or outdoor work area, give your Beverly Hills electrician a call.
3. Never use a power tool that has a bad cord. If the cord is frayed, have it properly repaired.
4. If a tool trips a breaker, there is a good chance the breaker is overloaded. Find another outlet to use. If one is not available, consider having your work area upgraded with the help of an electrician. Beverly Hills homeowners can have a breaker added to their electric panel to help accommodate the power tools you want to use on your DIY projects.
5. Never use power tools in the rain. Wait for it to pass.
6. Never use power tools near power lines or electric wiring.

If you need new outlets or breakers to make your DIY a successful venture, give The Electric Connection a call today.

Pool Safety Tips by Santa Monica Electrician

Before you dive into the pool for the first time this summer, you need to take some steps to ensure it is safe. Whether your pool is in ground or one of the above ground styles, you will likely be using electricity to run your filters, pumps, lights and/or heaters. Everyone knows water and electricity don’t mix. Do what you can to protect yourself by ensuring there are no electrical hazards threatening your lives and the lives of your family members and guests who are hoping to enjoy a fun day at the pool. An electrician in Santa Monica has a few tips for you to follow. If you have more questions or would prefer a safety inspection, give The Electric Connection a call today.

1. Use GFCI outlets to plug in any of your pool equipment. If you don’t have any available, you can purchase portable GFCIs or have your current outdoor outlets replaced with the GFCI by a Santa Monica electrician.
2. Keep all electrical cords and devices at least 10 feet away from the pool to avoid any water splashing on the cord.
3. Never set your pool up under or near power lines.
4. Have any electrical equipment that will be used with the pool professionally installed by an electrician. Santa Monica residents will need to ensure everything, including the pumps, lights and heaters is properly grounded. This is best left to the professionals.
5. Keep outdoor outlets and receptacles properly covered to avoid any water splashing in or on the outlets.
6. Make sure you never pick up any of your electrical devices or handle the cords when your hands are wet or you are in the pool.
7. Have your pool inspected by an electrician before opening every year to make sure there are no potential threats.

If you are itching to jump in the pool, be safe and call The Electric Connection do a quick electrical inspection to ensure everything is safe and ready for you to enjoy your summer swimming.